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Shortly after they had all returned to the compound the men went into a meeting, leaving Piper and Lacy to get Kimber to the med room. Lacy had been working alongside Doc for years. Shortly after she got together with Tank he had been in a wreck and she refused to leave the room when Doc was trying to patch him up, so the older man had put her to work helping him. Ever since she had learned everything she could from the retired military medic and could take care of a handful of non life threatening injuries on her own. Which was how she ended up being the one digging gravel out of Kimber's leg since Doc was needed in the meeting with the rest of them. Piper had been in the room for moral support for most of it, but as Lacy had to dig deeper into the wound to get the more imbedded rocks she excused herself to go grab Kimber a pair of shorts. Though the redheaded woman could handle a lot of things, her stomach was still weak to some of the gore that came with being an extended part of a MC.

It had taken Lacy almost an hour to get everything cleared from the large wound and she took her time double checking it. Kimber had been mostly quiet the whole time, she winced a little here or there when the tweezers had to dig into the muscle to pull something out, but otherwise had remained still. "That's the last of it." She spoke up as she dropped the last piece of gravel into the small metal bowl on the table next to the bed. "I'll clean it one more time, patch you up, and once you have some pants you can be on your way."

"Thanks, Lace." Kimber gave her a small smile as she relaxed a bit. The entire time Lacey was working she had been tense and she was sure that the sweat on her brow was noticeable.

"Alright-" Piper walked through the door with a pair of sweats in one hand and shorts in the other "-I don't have much left here, but I was able to scrounge these up." She held them both up for her friend to choose from.

Kimber glanced at the sweats before she pulled the shorts from Piper's hand, "I don't want to take the chance of the bandage getting caught on the sweats." she explained, wincing as Lacy wiped the wound down with rubbing alcohol. Minutes later she was fully patched up and dressed, with some help from Piper since she couldn't really bend her leg. The younger women left the room, slowly considering that Kimber could only limp along. As they entered the bar room she noticed that aside from Derrick and Max guarding the door, the room was empty. "Where are the guys?"

"Still in church discussing the attack. I've seen enough around here to say that they'll probably be in there a while longer." Piper informed her as she took a seat at a nearby table with a huff. Though she and her husband had come away from the incident completely unscathed, her worry for her new friend had completely drained her energy.

A frown graced Kimber's lips as she looked around the empty room, she had been mulling over the whole thing since Lacy had started digging into her leg. Though Doc had made sure that she was properly numbed up before they left the scene of the accident she could still feel parts of what was happening and the topic kept her mind distracted through most of it. Her thoughts stopped when her eyes landed on the prospects who were studying her mostly bare legs. With a roll of her eyes she turned on her good leg and began the walk toward the meeting room.

Piper raised an eyebrow as her friend hobbled away slowly, "Where are you going?"

"To get some answers."

The prospects by the door and Piper all moved at the same time, "You can't go back there!" Max was the first to catch up with her, but he wouldn't risk touching her and hurting her more than she already was. His words didn't stop her though and the closer they got to the closed door of the meeting room he realized he would have to stop her somehow otherwise it would be his and Derrick's asses. With that thought in mind he stood in front of her, just before the door, and held his ground. "No one is allowed in during the meeting unless requested by a patched member."

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