Twenty Eight

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The wait for the phone call seemed to have taken forever, but the moment Boogie's phone rang his group had climbed onto their bikes and rode out. He was in the lead with Tank at his side, Bishop and Ghost were just behind them and then the rest of the group followed with the prospects pulling up the back with the van. The group slowed down as they came up to the turn for the old mill, knowing that they needed to come up with a quick game plan with Val's group before they went in guns blazing. As they pulled off of the road they could clearly see the five bikes waiting for them near the decaying building.

Greetings went by quickly before they had a map of the subdivision laid out on the hood of the van so they could look over everything. Val stood close to it, using the flashlight on her phone to see everything better. She had her long red hair pulled back into a tight ponytail and everything she wore was black. "The bikes I saw went in this entrance." she pointed to the second turn in off of the main highway. "There were only two of them and I tried looking between the built houses to see if I could get an idea of where they stopped, but I didn't see them after they took the next right. I'm assuming they're somewhere in this area." She circled her index finger around the first few houses on that turn.

"It might be smart if we come in from the last two entrances and meet wherever they are, that way the only way they can run is on foot. Unless they want to ride through us." Jaguar, Val's VP, spoke up once he noticed that if the Devils took the turn that Val says they did, the only access points were the entrances.

Boogie glanced over the map, thinking it over. They only had a few more minutes left to come up with a plan before they would need to make their move. Prez wanted them to move at the same time so neither group of the Devils could let the other know what was going on. "I agree. That will be the smartest way about this. They're going to know something is up when they hear our engines, hopefully they'll just think it's some of their brothers. Either way we're going to need to move fast. If anyone sees Kimber you get her the hell out of there as quick as possible."

"Buck pulled up her information before we left so we know who we're looking for." Val let them know as she turned the flashlight setting off on her phone and slid it into her pocket. "If your girl's there we'll get her out safe." She tried to comfort the other club. Nothing like this had happened to her own, though they were quite a bit smaller and their enemies had only just recently reared their ugly heads, but she had read through the information Buck had dug up on Kimber. She seemed like a strong woman, there was no way she had stopped fighting after a few days.

Nothing else was said as everyone headed back to their bikes and the prospects got in the van. Boogie's earpiece made a small beeping sound, signalling a call coming through. He answered it as he straddled his bike, "We'll be there in five minutes." The answer was given as he waited to start his bike. "Prez is about five minutes out as well, let's go find our girl!" he called to his group once the call had ended before starting his bike.

The group rode from the mill down the highway, keeping their eyes open for any sight of the Devils before half of the group sped off ahead so that they would come down the residential street at the same time. Just as suspected the sound of so many engines brought men out from three houses near the center of the street and when they realized that the bikes headed their way weren't friendly they opened fire. The Sons and their friends were prepared for this, guns already out and it didn't take them long to start firing back. Thankfully they had the Devils outnumbered otherwise things could have gone south really quick.

It didn't take long for them to shoot down most of the Devils, the three men that remained standing hurried toward the house that was in the middle of the ones they had run from and that's all Boogie needed to know. One of their higher ranked members was in there and, hopefully, so was Kimber. The group quickly killed the engines on their bikes, leaving them in the middle of the street, "Tank, Jag, Bow, make sure these fuckers are dead. Ghost and Buck check the house on the left, Raven and Bishop take the one on the right. Val, Ajax, and Throne you're with me in the center house. Prospects keep the van running, the rest of you keep an eye out here!" He ordered as he got off his bike and headed toward the house with his group on his tail.

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