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After that night the protection detail on Kimber and Orion buckled down even further. Not only was Whiskey living in her spare room, but one of the other guys was parked down the street constantly keeping watch. Any time Orion was in school at least two of the club's men were near the campus and she was followed to work everyday. Weeks had passed, her limp became less noticeable, and the court hearing for her custody case had finally arrived. Though she had grown used to all of the club men as they took turns watching over her and her son, she had made it very clear to her father that no one was going to show up to the court hearing in their leathers. She couldn't risk her affiliation with them somehow being used against her during the trial. Which was the only reason she was standing outside the courthouse with Ryan and Seb, both men looking uncomfortable without their vests on. "Stop fidgeting." She elbowed her father in the side slightly as they headed up the stairs.

"When have you seen me without the club's symbol on my back?" He asked as they walked side by side, Boogieman flanking her other side. "It's unnatural."

"No, what's unnatural is seeing Kimber in a pantsuit." Sebastian chuckled as he moved to hold the door open for them, ignoring the woman as she passed him with a glare. "I still can't imagine you wearing this to work everyday. Prez, when we start the next rotation can you put me during her work schedule? I have to see more of this."

Kimber rolled her eyes as she led the way down large corridors until she found her lawyer waiting next to the side of the small courtroom they would be spending the next few hours in. "Scott." She called as she approached the older man in a grey suit. Though he wasn't as old as her father he looked at least a couple of years older than Ryan. She wondered if the years he spent in this profession had aged him faster.

"Kimber, punctual as always." Scott gave her a warm smile. Since the young woman had become his client she had always shown up to their appointments or court dates at least ten minutes early. His eyes flickered to the two men behind her. It was rare that she had anyone with her the times they had to take things in front of a judge and if she did it was always her mother.

Noticing his questioning look she smiled slightly, "Scott, this is my dad, Ryan and my best friend, Sebastian." She gestured to each man at her side. "Guys, this is my lawyer. Scott has been helping me with all of my legal stuff since I started the divorce."

"Nice to meet you both." He gave a brief nod before turning his attention back to Kimber. "We should get in there. Travis hasn't arrived yet. The witnesses you provided are already here and waiting, this won't be like the last time. No jury, no wait time. Just those involved and a few others."

"We've already been over this. I'm ready, let's do this." She turned to the men that had come with her. "Why don't you guys head in and find a place to sit."

Seb gave her a long look before heading into the room, he knew how being anywhere near her ex messed with her head and he was worried about her. The only thing that convinced him to leave her side was knowing that she was stronger now, both mentally and physically, and that if anything were to happen that they would be able to protect her.

Ryan wrapped her in a quick hug, "Be strong, baby girl." He gave her a quick kiss to the temple before leading Boogieman into the room. Neither man was surprised at the familiar face that turned to look at them as they entered the room. Kimber had asked Whiskey to be a witness after the incident outside of her mother's house a few weeks ago and though he hated things like this he didn't hesitate to agree to help her out.

Kimber watched until the men were seated before turning her attention back to Scott, "I'm not sure how you managed it, but thank you for getting the judge to do the custody hearing along with the restraining order. I don't think I can handle seeing Travis again after today."

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