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Whiskey watched as Kimber walked around the car, meeting her ex-husband between their two vehicles. He could see the tension taking over her body, if what she had said earlier hadn't tipped him off to how much she disliked the man, no matter how much love she may have held for him in the past, her posture at that moment was a clear sign. Though his focus was on the pair he was also listening to the little boy in the backseat ramble on about how T-Rexes were the best dinosaurs ever.

"What are you doing here?" Kimber demanded, her tone less than friendly as she glared at Travis.

His brown eyes flicked to the car behind her and his demeanor immediately changed seeing an unfamiliar man in the car with his son. "I came to get Orion. It's my day with him." For such stickler when it came to their parenting plan she should have known that.

A scoff escaped her lips as she crossed her arms over her chest, "You're an hour and half too late for that. I told you last night to be on time and that this was your last chance."

"Come on, Kimmy, I showed up didn't I?" He smiled, the same smile that had won her over many times before.

"I told you to stop calling me that. Expect to see papers from my lawyer by next week." With that she turned to get back in the car, wanting to get as far away from him as possible. Before she could make it two steps his hand was wrapped around her arm so tight that if the hold continued it would certainly leave a bruise. Not that she hadn't received bruises from that hand before. "Get your damn hand off of me." She growled.

Travis pulled on her until she was right in front of him, he scowled at her as he spoke with venom in his tone, "You will not take my son from me. Do you understand?"

Jerking her arm from his grip she met him face on, something she'd only ever done once before. Every other time she had been in this situation she had coward in fear until the night she had left him. "That's funny, because if I remember correctly that court was more than happy to grant our divorce, even when you wouldn't sign the damn papers. Think of how easy it will be for me to get full custody, especially with the case that's already been built against you." She took a step back, not wanting to cause more of a scene in front of their son who could easily see what was going on through the large windshield of her car. Hopefully Whiskey was doing a good job of keeping the boy distracted.

"You fucking bitch!" He snarled, lifting his clenched fist and swinging it at her face without a moment's hesitation.

Kimber's head swung to the side, but before she could do anything he had both hands wrapped around her upper arms, holding her in place. Unlike every other time she'd been in this situation she wasn't going to go down without a fight. Just like she had been taught she slammed her head against his face, causing his nose to bleed and grip to loosen, without stopping she grabbed his shoulders and slammed her knee once against his groin then again into his stomach when he was bent over at the waist. She was about to pull her arm back to punch his face when two strong arms wrapped around her waist and pulled her back.

"Easy killer." Whiskey tried to calm her down though he was raging inside. He had been talking to Orion and glanced away for a minute, by the time he turned back around he barely caught the dickhead hitting her. Placing Kimber behind him, he faced her ex as he stood back up seeming to be ready for round two. "I suggest you get back in your truck and drive off."

Travis laughed, sounding almost crazy, "Or what, you're going to kick my ass?"

Whiskey slipped his hands into his pockets, seeming relaxed in the moment as the smile grew on his face and he shook his head, "No, I'll let her back at ya. She seems more than capable of doing the job just fine on her own."

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