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Shortly after stitching up the wounded man Kimber had Whiskey show her to the room she would be staying in, Ryan had taken off right after giving her a grateful hug to see if they could find anything outside that would identify the shooter. Though it hadn't been more than an hour since she was sure she was going to lose her life it didn't take her long to drift to sleep. To say that it was a restful sleep would have been a bold face lie, she had tossed and turned most of the night and it had only been a couple of hours of bliss before the sound of her cell phone ringing jarred her awake. "Yeah?"

"Hey, baby, you said that Travis was supposed to be here at eight?"

Her mother's voice drifted over the receiver of her cell phone, the happy tone causing her to pull the device further away from ear. With a groan at the thought of the reason for the early call her eyes flicked up to meet the crappy alarm clock on the bedside table. Though her vision was blurry the numbers clearly read nine-thirty. Damn him. "Yeah, he should have been there by now. Give me a few minutes to get up and I'll head over to get Orion."

"Take your time. I don't have to be anywhere until eleven and we're outside making art on the sidewalk. Love you."

The call ended with the distant sound of her son's giggle. He loved spending days with grandma and a bucket of chalk. Those two could draw and color all day. Grumbling to herself Kimber threw the comforter off of her body and sat up, it was going to be a long day. Keeping in mind that she really didn't have any time to waste she grabbed her boots by the foot of the bed and pulled them on, thankful that she decided to leave the rest of her clothes on when she'd gotten into bed since she was in a strange place filled with too many unfamiliar men. After a quick stop in the attached bathroom to splash some water on her face and pull her hair up into a messy bun she quickly made her way out of the room and down the hallway, hoping that at least someone was awake so she could tell them to pass the message along to Ryan that she would be back. The last thing she wanted was for him to assume that after last night's activities that she'd run from him. A soft curse left her lips when she came to the barroom to find it empty, other than the office and the room the wounded man was in she really didn't know any other parts of the building. She was sure that Ryan had said something about where his room was, but with everything that had happened she couldn't remember and there was no way in hell she was going to wander around the place. Sure, the men knew who she was, but they were still men. Biker men and she wasn't going to take any chances.

Deciding that there had to be a piece of paper and a pen somewhere around the place she moved directly to the bar looking for anything, even a napkin, to leave a quick note on. It was clear after a few moments that the only things back there were bottles, glasses, and cleaning rags.

"Lose something?"

The question made her jump, "Jesus, what are you a goddamn ninja?" she questioned as she spun to face Whiskey who looked at her with an amused grin. She met him with a glare.

"Lose something?" He repeated, taking a drink from the coffee cup in his hand. Normally he would have still been asleep after a long night, but he knew that there would be shit to handle today with Viper being shot and her in the clubhouse still.

Her glare only softened a little as she sighed, "No. I was looking for something to write on. I've got to go run and pick up my son. Didn't want you guys to think I freaked out and fled after last night."

The sincerity in her voice made him pause. Honestly he hadn't expected much from her when Ryan had began to explain the situation and his plan to bring Kimber into their world a few days ago. From what he had read up on her when he'd first been given the information she was an all around good girl. Graduated high school in the top third of her class, attempted college and probably would have walked away with some fancy degree if she didn't end up dropping out shortly after her son was born. No record of any kind, not even a damn speeding ticket. The only blemish on her life that could be found was that she'd had a kid before she was even twenty years old, married before twenty-one, and divorced by twenty-five. And that was nothing to be ashamed of in this day and age. With all of that he had painted this picture in his head that she would think she was too good to even step foot into the clubhouse, but she had proved a lot of his assumptions wrong last night and seeing her now, worried that her father would be hurt by her leaving to take care of something unexplained he wondered how many more times she was going to prove him wrong.

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