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Hyuka p.o.v.

We were talking as we entered the forest. Sana and V were not as strict as we thought they were. They were friendly. But I had some weird feeling that someone was following us.

I turned back time to time to check, but no one was there. V even asked me if I was okay. When I told him about my suspicion, he just laughed it off and told me that I must be hallucinating because I was hungry. Thankfully sana had brought food.

As it was starting to get dark, we decided to camp there. We made a fire and some tents to sleep in. 

V p.o.v.

as we were walking along the path to yoongi's house, Kai seemed a bit bothered. When I asked him if anything was wrong, he responded by saying that he felt like someone was following.

I thought he was joking, but his serious look told it all. I thought that he was hallucinating since they had not eaten since they arrived here. So I told sana to take out the food.

As it was getting dark, we decided to camp out for the night here. We made a fire and two tents. One for girls and the other for the boys.  

We all were talking until the fire died. To keep it going, me and sana went to collect some firewood and instructed the kids to stay there.

(An hour or so later)

Me and sana returned with firewood enough to last us the night. But when we reached back, we were shocked to see the kids in the floor unconscious.

Sana p.o.v.

When we reached back at the place we were camping, we saw the kids unconscious, scattered across the ground. 

We gathered the unconscious bodies, we tried to wake them up. After some time, we woke them up and asked what had happened. Then soobin explained what happened while we were gone.

soobin p.o.v.


Sometime after sana and V went, we felt strange. Almost like someone was watching us. When we looked around we saw nothing. At least at first. Later on, we heard a kind of meowing followed by the noise of a train.

We turned to the direction of the noise and saw 2 eyes. One was blue and the other one was green. Then everything went black as something hit us and we got unconscious. Then I didn't remember anything.

~~end of flashback ~~

I explained about what had happened while they were gone.

they looked confused yet worried. They told us not to worry and sleep because we might be tired.

something was off with their behavior though, like they knew something about it.

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