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Hyuka p.o.v.

"Oh sorry. bro, meet txt and itzy. And txt and itzy, meet my brother Jeon Wonwoo" Jungkook said as the person revealed himself.

 And txt and itzy, meet my brother Jeon Wonwoo" Jungkook said as the person revealed himself

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" Hi guys, i am wonwoo. Jungkook's elder brother" he said. 

I was so confused. How could a person be the brother of a rabbit? To clear my doubts, i asked him, "how are you his brother? like he is a rabbit right?" To this, he replied "Yea. about that. Once the crystal was stolen, abnormal things started happening. Some people were cursed and turned into animals.  If the crystal is returned then only will the curse will be lifted. That means, kookie here will be a rabbit until then" Oh.

He continued "Use the binoculars under the lake. It reveals hidden objects such as the stone itself." Now i see why he said to use the binoculars.

Since we had only one, we went turn by turn. First was me. After searching for some time, i saw a shining green colored stone. As far as i remember, a mega evolution stone looked like that. So i did what i had to do. I took it. Once i was going to the surface, i wondered, 'i did not see any other stone there. how are the others going to find it?' i decided to ask wonwoo.

As i reached the surface, i gave the binoculars to yuna. Then i asked wonwoo, "I did not find any other stone that looked like the one i found. How are they going to find it?"

He then explained it to me, " the binoculars have a different view to everyone depending on their perspective. Since you are cheerful and curious as far as i have noticed, you will see the good things such as garden fairies and a certian color that represents your character. You will see other colors too but the color of your stone will be the dominant one. I see that your dominant color is green. This means that you will have less harm from any attack done to you than to others."

I was a bit curious now. But as if he had read my mind, he said. "You might be wondering what if two people have the same personality? If that is the case, then the pattern of you stone will be different. Like yours has dots." As he explained that, Yuna returned looking happy with a pink stone with 4 lines like in the south korean flag. Just the difference was that the center had a kind of DNA symbol instead of the circle. Mine too had that symbol, so i concluded that all the stones had that symbol. 

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