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Yuna p.o.v.

Wow. Soobin oppa literally just carried unnie. That also bridal style. And she doesn't say a word to them and I peck kai's cheek and I get a full damn scolding.

We were moving due North as we saw a small city. The small city had a lot of houses with everything being eco friendly. There were small teeny tiny gnomes in the streets.

I wanted to pick one up and play with it. Unfortunately, I couldn't because then I would be seen as a threat to them. My expression dropped more when I saw lia unnie, in soobin oppa's arms, staring at him as it she would never see him again, and her cheeks redder than the color of blood.

All this happening when yeji unnie didn't even give a what about it. Like she didn't even care.

I must have looked pretty disappointed looking at them, because Kai asked me if i wanted him to carry me like soobin carried lia. It was a bit weird but my my legs were hurting so much. The boys were much taller than us and so were their legs. It was like for every step they took, we took 2 steps. And that was pretty exhausting.

I accepted kai's offer as he was about to carry me bridal style, I requested him to give me a piggyback ride instead with a pout on my face. He agreed as I climbed on his back.

Jisoo p.o.v.

Soobin carrying lia bridal style, Kai giving yuna a piggyback ride, taehyun and chaeryeong holding hands, beomgyu and ryujin smiling at each other and yeonjun and yeji laughing together, wasn't something I would have expected.

It just felt like yesterday when they fought over a chair in the cafeteria. And today, they are here like nothing even happened between them in the past.

I was looking at them when I saw lia staring at soobin with her cheeks redder than blood itself. I felt so single looking at them.

But I already had an eye for someone. I smiled.at myself as I thought of him.

 "Miss jisoo. Seems like you are remembering someone is it?" Chaeryeong asked me wiggling her eyebrows as taehyun looked at me with a smirk plastered on his face.

"N-no. Of course I wasn't thinking of anyone or a boy." I denied. But this was like a case in the supreme court. Anything I said was being used against me. " Oh really miss? I never asked who were you thinking of did i? And you already made it clear that it's a boy. " ryujin said in a teasing tone.

I wonder how hard it will be to take care of these kids now.

Now avoiding all civilization, we straight headed to the border to the land of eternity.

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