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Ryujin p.o.v.

It was sad to hear that miss jisoo's parents had passed away. But we could not do anything. After all it was the law of nature and we had to accept it in the end. 

Shortly after, we reached the harbor. We took a boat and headed to the island. But nothing could prepare us for what happened midway on our trip in the middle of the sea. Suddenly dark clouds started to appear and a storm started in the blink of an eye. The calm waters suddenly turned violent as it nearly capsized the boat at times.

I seemed that nature was playing with us and showing us the dominance it asserted over us. Suddenly a huge wave appeared and was about to hit us. I felt powerless against it. Also knowing my special ability was to control fire, I was totally useless here. The wave was nearing us. I closed my eyes as i waited for the wave to hit us. I knew that we could not avoid it and waited for an end to this when I heard someone shout.

"Hyung. Change the direction of the wind now." I opened my eyes and saw the wave was frozen. I then looked behind and saw everyone running around the deck.

Beomgyu p.o.v.

Like what was happening? Just a moment ago the sky was calm and all. How come did it turn violent all of a sudden. Right then I saw a HUGE wave heading towards us. I straight away used my ability and froze the wave. Then told yeonjun hyung to use his ability to steer the boat.

I saw ryujin just staring at me. I dont know why but it seemed like she was in awe. Just then another wave hit the ship washing away ryujin along with it. 

I was shocked but didnt take too much time zone back in. I took off my shirt and jumped into the wate to help her. "Yah beomgyu. What are you doing?" I heard miss jisoo scream. I just ignored her and went ahead.

The water was damn cold, but my first priority was ryujin right now. I looked around the surface of the water searching for her. That is when i spotted her. She was struggling to keep afloat. I kept my eyes on her. A wave then swept her underwater.

I hurried went underwater as i saw ryujin. she was breathing, but her eyes were closed shut. The seawater was burning my eyes, but i kept them open. I swam to her as fast as i could and scooped her in my hands as i reached above the water surface.

Just then miss jisoo shouted "they are over there." Then i saw soobin hyung throw a tube tied to a rope towards me. It wasnt accurate but the strong water current directed it to me. I grabbed it with my hand as my other hand gripped ryujin's waist tightly. 

They pulled us on the deck of the board as soon as i grabbed it.  "Hang in there ryu" i whispered to her unaware if she could hear me of not.

Soobin hyung checked us for some wounds so that he could heal it. Thankfully there was none.

Right then another wave was coming to hit us. Then kai used his power and created a shield. It blocked most of the water but a bit of it that could not harm us still made way here. 

We took ryu inside and Kai created barriers around the boat to prevent it from further damage. Then yuna used her ability and flew to see if we were anywhere near the island of time.

A few minutes later she came back and told us to go straight. After sometime, the storm cleared out as our vision became clearer. We saw an island in the horizon and went there.

That was the island of time. We anchored out boat as now we had to face heavy winds as warned before. But yeonjun hyung just snapped his fingers and the wind stopped.

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