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soobin p.o.v.

We had tea, and talked for some time. There was Bread too. Man, it was too good. We but had to leave. We would have had to go to the forest of dreams, but because we were running out of time, we rerouted our path and decided to head through the land of gnomes.

We bid a goodbye to hoseok, hitman bang and Mrs. jung as we headed back to the boat. We had to go north to reach there. Once we were on the boat, a pigeon came to us and went to miss jisoo's hand. It had a letter on it's talon.

Lia used her ability and and talked to it. Once she was done, her expression turned sad. She told us that the borders had started shrinking from the south and west too. The letter also had warned us the same thing and that we now had no more mission rather than tofind the obsidian crystal now.

Lia p.o.v.

I talked to the pigeon and that sounded bad. According to the pigeon, the borders at the south and west were shrinking much faster and we had to hurry. We went as fast as possible. 

This time, the waters were calm and because of it, we reached there much faster. Way faster than we had expected it to. We looked around for a moment. The scenery was very good. The horizon was filled with very small trees, houses and people.

I went next to a tree hoping to get some shade, but the tree was literally half my size. I sat down fuming. But then someone back hugged me covering the sun. I looked back and saw soobin hugging me. I instantly turned red as a tomato.

My neck usually hurt while trying to see him, but the view I saw was always worth it. That bunny smile of his. So charming.

He was every girl's dream. Well almost every. Anyway, he then brought his face near to me slowly. My eyes turned big and i got redder than before. And just to compare, I was red as a TOMATO before. Now i was ten times redder.

He then whispered in a husky voice to my ear, "Now are you coming with us, or should I carry you?" It was not my expectation, but still. Him being so close to me, It felt so good.

He looked at me for a minute, and once again whispered in my ear. This time it was a more seductive tone. "So i take it that as a yes to carry you." He said as he carried me bridal style.

 Everyone was confused but he just told them to move on. I looked flustered, but deep inside i knew i was enjoying it and hoped that this would never end.

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