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Dino p.o.v.

We left for the mountains in the morning. It was pretty warm so we didnt take any kind of gear for the cold. And turns out that was a bad decision. Once we got to the mountain area It started to snow very hard. Now that we were stuck in a blizzard, we also lost our sense of direction.

We found a cave nearby and decided to stay there until the storm ended. When we went inside, I saw something fall from chae's pocket.

"Yah chae. Is this yours?" i asked holding the stone like object trapped in a bracelet. When she saw that her eyes widened. Then she shouted at poor ryujin "Oh right. RYU. Take out your stone and use it." She seemed confused for a moment until beomgyu took out a kind of bracelet like chae had. 

He wore it, pressed the stone and after that pointed his index finger at the cave entrance. Then a white beam appeared and the entrance was covered in ice. And as if that was a cue to something, ryujin also pressed her stone and pointed her finger at the middle of the cave where a fire suddenly ignited. Then chae finally took out a pouch and distributed some warm clothes from it. How did all that clothes fit inside THAT?

Joshua p.o.v.

Once i saw what beomgyu did, i was confused. When ryujin also did it, i finally understood. They must have had the stones. 

I asked beomgyu for his stone to see it. I had never seen one. wow. 

We were now getting hungry as it was already way past lunchtime. And was starting to get darker outside. Seems like we will be trapped here for tonight. Thankfully, we brought food. 

Yuna p.o.v.

OK now it was getting a bit more dark outside. That is when we heard a noise. I turned around to see who it was. Turns out that noise belonged to yeonjun. More precisely his stomach. That is when we decided to eat. DK and Mingyu had packed some food for us.

We put it near the fire, just enough to heat it and not get it burnt.

Then we ate it. I dont like rice cakes so much but maybe because i was too hungry, i actually liked it. I seriously needed to ask them for this recipe.

After eating, we talked for sometime then slept.

~~the next morning~~

When i woke up the next morning, I didnt see anyone sleeping. The wall beomgyu created was already gone and the only possible thing was they were outside. I went outside and saw only Kai.

"kai. Where are the others?" i asked him. He turned behind and saw me. He smiled at me as i felt my heart beating faster.

He replied, "They went ahead and i stayed here so you could come with me." By now i already knew my cheeks were red. Despite the cold, I found myself getting warm.

He then came toward me and took my hand. "lets go now." he said. We were walking through a steep path and stopped to rest. As we were about to start hiking again, kai came closer to me.

My eyes widened in shocked as he closed the gap between us. I was now already red in the face. He played a bit with my hair as i finally managed to say "What are you doing kai?" 

He just chuckled as he whispered "I like it when you get nervous." He then placed his lips on mine as i was still shocked.

He then pulled me by my waist, leaving no gap between us. I realized what was happening as i for some reason kissed back.

After a few minutes of this, we seperated and once again begin our way up. Just that this time, He carried me on his back. We caught up with the others as i saw their shocked expression. 

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