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Beomgyu p.o.v.

After a few hours of walking through the land of gnomes, we finally saw the border over the horizon. We were somewhat excited until we saw jimin at the border. 

When he saw us, he ran to us. We were about to attack him when we saw that he was crying. "Guys. Please forgive me for what I did in the past. Please." He begged us. 

 " ok ok.but first leave my foot! " i exclaimed. "Thank you so much for forgiving me. The 2 color eyed cat had shown me power and made me greedy for it. But now he came to just torture me." He still said while crying.

 Miss jisoo looked a bit confused, but once we told her the story, she understood.

Yeonjun hyung pulled him aside and told him to explain.

Jimin p.o.v.

The yeonjun boy told me to explain everything, so I did.

~~flashback ~~

I was wondering around the forest of dreams when I heard a.voice calling me. It sounded like a faint meow. I followed the noise and then came to a place where I saw a two color eyed cat. One eye was blue and the other was green.

Compared to other cats, it was pretty huge. It was twice my size. It motioned me to come to it. I knew something was wrong by now but didn't care to not obey what the cat said.

Right then I noticed that in the shadows there were 5 boys. I couldn't see the faces.properly, but they were as tall as txt.

Once I neared the cat, it told me to capture the queen of magic island and force her to give the throne. At first I had refused, but later he convinced me by showing me how much I could gain by that. I at that time was blinded by the thought of power and money. 

I didn't think further and agreed to do it. So I left the forest and at first asked the queen. But then she refused to give up the throne, so I took her forcefully.

A month or so later, you guys came to rescue her. When I failed my task, I was tortured by the 5 boys. The cat also didn't keep its word and just let me be tortured. Even after I stole the obsidian Crystal from its place and gave it to him, he just threw me away like a piece of garbage and just used me.

~~end of flashback~~

"And that is how I came to realize my mistake. I tried to steal the stone to put it back, but they had it guarded already."

" ok so can you just tell us where the crystal is kept at the moment? " the tallest boy asked me. So I replied "he has kept it in the ruins of a stadium. But it will be very hard to get it." I warned them just in case.

Heading that, they left for the land of eternity. I just wished that they would complete the mission.

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