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Wonwoo p.o.v.

These were a bunch of quiet curious kids. Especially Kai. It is a good thing since it means that they usually will not do things without knowing about it.

After an hour or so, almost all of them had found their stones. Only yeji was remaining. She looked scared of waters. But in the end, she gathered enough courage and jumped into the water to find the last remaining stone.

Yeji p.o.v.

I am so scared of water. I once almost drowned when I was a kid. Since then I have been afraid to go in water.

Once I gathered my courage, I jumped in it. I could not see anything, but I remembered that I forgot to wear the binoculars. Once I put it on, I saw many other things. There were pretty flowers, some stones but none that matched someone's description.

I went deeper and once I reached the bottom, I saw a kind of yellowish colored stone. It was shining and had the shape of a small sphere. I took it and went to the surface.

I was getting out of the water when I slipped and fell back into the water. It turns out that only the first time you could breathe underwater. Later on you needed magic. I was now scared. Flashes of my past came to my memory. The time when I was drowning. I by now has gulped too much water.

Lia p.o.v.

Yeji unnie was coming to the banks of the lake, when she slipped and fell back into the water. This is when we found out that we could only breathe underwater for the first time. Later, we needed to use magic.

She was scared of water and could not swim. Now what do we do????

As I was wondering  what to do, I heard a splash. I looked up and saw yeonjun oppa jump in the lake to save yeji unnie.

By the time he put her in the grass, she was already hyperventilating. Her breathes were slowly getting smaller. We still pushed he stomach hoping that the water will come out. 

We did succeed but her breath was now getting fainter. It seemed that life was slipping away from her. 

beomgyu p.o.v.

Yeji noona's breath was getting fainter by the moment. What do we do now?

But then suddenly yeonjun hyung went beside her. Firstly he checked her pulse. Then he proceeded to go do a  MOUTH TO MOUTH CPR?????

My eyes must be deceiving me. Well this was desperate so I let it slide. For now at least.

He tried to help her breathe by giving air to her lungs. One.... Nothing happened. Only a bit of water came out. Two..... Still nothing. Three.....  She gasped for air. Then taehyun said" once more hyung. It might open her air ways. " So he did it once more as yeji noona took a big gasp of air and opened her eyes. 

Of course everyone was shocked by that. Soobin was covering kai's and ryujin was covering yuna's eyes. Our members did not need to see this kind of scene now.

Yeji p.o.v.

I gasped for air as I gained consciousness. But when I opened my eyes, I saw yeonjun. He was so close to me. My heart began beating faster and my cheeks got red. Thankfully it was dark and he could not see. I thanked him for helping me and tzuyu took us to a cabin nearby.

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