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Taehyun p.o.v.

Ok. Now that we had the key, we were going down the mountain as rose invited us to the castle in the kingdom of fairies. We had accepted despite the fact that we should be moving. We were going to the castle when joshua and dino said that they had to go back and could not accompany us anymore.

We were sad but it had to happen in the end. The saddest one here was chae. She met her brother after so long and now had to say bye already.

But still dino didnt leave the chance to lighten up the mood. He said, " Ok so tae and chae. Promise me that you will save the island and make me an uncle soon." We reddened at the remark. 

"Just take care and dont do anything that will make you regret later. And dont mind him. He is just joking." Joshua said. "He better not be " chae said moving towards dino slowly Just like the titanic was headed to the iceberg. And just like the titanic, chae met the same fate. Dino pushed his palm on chae's forehead as she fell down and started whining like a baby. 

Everyone laughed at her actions as i helped her up. "Ok then. Bye peeps. Hope to see yall later and take care of chae properly taehyun, or else i will come to haunt you." He said jokingly.

We left for the castle later on. Rose was pretty and friendly. But when i was caught staring at her, I paid the price for it. Or make that full price with extra charges. 

Chae beat me head to toe and didnt left a single spot where she didnt hit me. This left me in a state where i could not walk or stand anymore. And that is how yeonjun hyung ended up carrying me for the rest of the journey until i remembered something. 

"Yah. soobin hyung. What was your ability again?" I ask. 

"It is to heal wounds very fast" he replied without hesitation.

Soobin p.o.v.

"It is to heal wounds very fast" I replied without hesitation.

Then i realized it and at that moment I knew I f***** up.

He was already scolding me and what not. Arghhhhh. Kids these days.

I healed taehyun and he was able to walk and do anything like before again. And out of everything he could do, the first thing he did was punch me. seriously boy? I just healed you.

In the distance we now could see the castle. While bickering, we didnt realize that we had crossed the border.

 While bickering, we didnt realize that we had crossed the border

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