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Ryujin p.o.v.

Man. This land of fairy tales was pretty annoying. Every street we crossed, had a whole new fairy tale character. As we made our way to the hill, I took the book that yoongi had given us and read a bit of it. Yes you read that right. I read a book on my own.

The book was pretty interesting. It had information about many creatures of the magic island, and also about many different places. I searched do the hill we were going to. Here was what I found-

The hill of lost tales is located towards the South of the land of fairy tales. All the forgotten stories are kept there by the goddess. Though noone goes to this part of the kingdom today, it is still interesting as well as dangerous.

Wait a minute-. It says the hill was located toward the South of the land, but the compass that jihyo have us was saying we were headed to the north.

 "Uhh. Jungkook?" I asked. He just replied with a what. So I took that as a cue to ask and asked my question. " According to this book, the hill is due south, but according to this compass, we are moving north. Are you sure this is the way? "That stopped him right in his tracks.

" W-we have been going north instead of s-south? "He asked in a trembling voice. When I showered him the compass for proof, he nearly fainted. He was saying something about jin killing him. 

Turns out that this rabbit had a very poor sense of directions compared to other rabbits. I felt a bit sad for him. Jin might have seemed a bit friendly, but this reminds me of the time when I forgot yeji unnies birthday and she was ready to kill me.

Taehyun p.o.v.

Turns out that jungkook had a poor sense of directions and we had come the wrong way. But it was fine. Like no or is perfect right?

Once we corrected our way, we again started walking. Only that this time it was to the south.

After an hour or so of walking, we reached the hill of the forgotten tales. We made our way up to the top where we were greeted by a very pretty woman who looked no more than 22.

She then got up and as she came to us she said "you must be txt and itzy. I am the guardian of the forgotten tales. You can call me..."

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