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Yeonjun p.o.v.

"You must be txt and itzy. I am the gaurdian of the hill of the forgotten tales. You can call me Tzuyu." She said.

" She said

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Damm. She was gorgeous. I was looking at her until jungkook spoke. "Yes tzuyu. They are txt and itzy."

"Well. Nice to meet you guys. But we can do this later. For your first mission, you will have to get the 10 different stones from the bottom of this lake." She said as she pointed towards a lake nearby.

The lake was pretty small. This is gonna be ezy.

Right then taehyun asked something. "What did the stones look like?"

Tzuyu answered " it looks something like the mega evolution stones in pokemon. I hope you know what it looks like. And if you are wondering how I know about pokemon, then let me tell you that we did not cut connection from earth completely " I was about to jump in the lake (again) when tzuyu warned.

"This lake might look small. But don't be fooled by their appearance." Uhh ok? I finally jumped in the water and accidentally took a gulp of it. I was surprised when I found out I could breathe.

soobin p.o.v.

When I entered the lake, I finally understood what tzuyu said. This lake appeared to be small, but it was pretty deep. This was gonna be hard.

~~2hours later still soobin p.o.v.~~

Ok. No matter how much I search, I do not find any kind of stone that matches tzuyu's description. I came out of the water and asked tzuyu if she was sure this thing existed.

"Wait a minute. Do you happen to have a kind of telescope?" She asked. I replied " yes. Yoongi had given one to us" white

"I am so sorry. I forgot that you need the telescope or let's rather say binoculars to see those stones." She said. Now I was confused. Why could she not get it by herself? But I got the answer from someone else. "You might be wondering why tzuyu did not get the stone herself, but she cannot because no matter what, an inhabitant of the magic island cannot find it. Even with the binoculars."

Then the person who said that came out of the trees. As he revealed himself, jungkook ram to him and said, "long time no see brother"

"Oh sorry. bro, meet txt and itzy. And txt and itzy, meet my brother... "

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