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Jungkook p.o.v.

Ok. These kids seriously don't know about the things they have to do before completing their mission? Ah well, seems like jin wanted me to do that as well.

And I began "you see the side quests or the minor things you have to do before completing the mission is important. It's like ... I don't know how to explain it but let me say it. The theft of the crystal has created problems all over the island. You have to fix those problems before we search for the crystal."

 they were shocked by this. The yeonjun boy said "wait a minute. What kind of problems have happened that we need to fix?" 

I sighed and mentally facepalmed of face pawed myself. But I still could not lose my temper. I took a deep breath and told them.

"The crystal as I hope you know maintains the harmony in the island. But now that it is stolen, some kingdoms are not in good terms with each anymore because they are randomly accusing each other. Not only that but it has also spread evilness within people. We cannot trust anyone like we used to do before. The clock on the land of time has stopped because it runs on the power given by the crystal. Some parts of the magic island have already begun to face away. And a lot of other things that I cannot explain right now because we don't have the time. " I said.

Then the girl yuna said, " I see, but what actually will happen if we do not complete this mission on time?" I had no choice but explain as fast as possible now. "Ok girl listen. If you don't complete this mission then the magic island and all its inhabitants will cease to exist. And no more time for chitchat because TIME is ticking and if you do have anymore questions, then I will answer later. Now move those 2 feet of yous. Come on." 

 Yeonjun p.o.v.

Hearing his tone of speech was enough to say that he was serious and was not joking. Now thinking about it I wondered, why would someone want this magical paradise to be non-existent? But I did not ask that.

We now we're outside the burrow. But I had one more question. "Hey jungkook. What are we going to do first though? " "Well, first we have to go to the hill of the lost tales where the she who knows all lives."he replied as we followed him.

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