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Jisoo p.o.v.

I was thinking how to take the stone carefully to the cave when i remembered something. I took out the invisibility cloak i had been given by my parents. I wore it and looked at myself. I couldnt see anything, which meant that it was working. 

I quickly grabbed the stone and ran to the direction of the cave where the stone was originally kept. For all I knew, it was in the heart of a waterfall inside the cave.

Soobin p.o.v.

I was fighting the other soobin when i noticed that miss jisoo was gone. I saw her with the crystal just a moment ago. But when i blinked, she was gone, and so was the crystal. I thought my eyes were decieving me but didnt want to risk it if it was true. So i turned my focus back to the fight. 

My power was all defensive, which meant i could not use my power, or else he will get healed. So i am here, fighting with my fists. Thankfully Lia came to my rescue with a bunch of animals that could do some serious damage with attack.

A tiger was already on the other soobin and now they were finding it hard. But then again, the cat hit us. We were falling when a picture from lia's pocket. I didnt clearly see it, but knew it was important to her since she looked sad about it.

Yeonjun hyung helped us break the fall using his power. Once we were on the ground, I checked them for any wounds and thankfully there was none.

We then went back to the fight. 

That is when we saw something. The border! It was already shrinking to its last part. ahhhhh. How do we hold it back?

"WHERE DID THE STONE GO?" i heard a loud meow.  I turned around and saw very angry cat. "FORGE THESE BRATS AND GO FIND THE STONE" The cat shouted. They then quickly left us and spread out to find it.

We too quickly did the same and followed them so that they would not find it. We were literally using every amount of our power and thankfully it stopped them or at least slowed them.

Jisoo p.o.v.

Now i was at the entrance of the cave and was catching my breath. After a few seconds, i headed into the cave and went straight to the waterfall. My dad often brought me here to show me and rose around. And thankfully i remembered the way.

In the distance, I could hear the sound of water. I headed there. Then i saw a waterfall. It was still pretty. Just like me. But this was not the time to admire the view.

I went into the water and opened my eyes to locate the place

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I went into the water and opened my eyes to locate the place. It was a bit hard to keep my eyes open underwater but i did it. I spotted the coloumn as i held my breath and swam there. I put the crystal in its place and went above the water to see the change. 

The cave looked like it did in the past. I went outside and saw the sun shining. This is good i said to myself as i took off the invisibility cloak. That is when i saw the cat and the 5 counterparts, being chased by txtzy. Txtzy were truing to stop them. When kai made a shield and the impostors stopped in their paths as Beomgyu and Ryujin used their powers together. It must have hurt a lot but then again it formed  an orange colored ice. I  thought to myself that it must have felt icy-hot (see what i did there again?).

Then yeonjun was about to use his power when we heard a voice from behind. 


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