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soobin p.o.v.

This land was barren yet still so full. I felt like someone was watching us. But I brushed off that feeling when I saw beomgyu.

He was carrying her on his back. I thought it was a normal sight until I remembered that beom and ryujin were not dating.

I looked at them again to confirm and there he was carrying her on his back as if nothing had actually happened.

After some time of walking , miss jisoo pointed to a tower like structure that had a clock which moved faster that usain bolt.

We used the key on the keyhole of the unusually large doors. It was so hard to turn. Like why. I don't like physical exercise - no make that I hate and absolutely hate physical exercise. But it seemed like here in the magic island, it felt like everything you do requires physical force. A bit too much.

 We took a break from trying to open the way too difficult to open door. That is when lia exclaimed. "Guys, look there is a manhole with a place for a key."

Then a unuseful question came from kai. "Hyung, why is it called a manhole and not a womanhole?" All of our eyes opened wide. Even miss jisoo, who knew Kai as a innocent person , after this question, I am sure that image of his was long gone.

Yuna slapped his arm and scolded him "why did you ask something so disgusting? I am now filled with useless questions." 

 " Wait. What did I fill you up with? " he asked. Which earned him a smack in his head as he deserves.

Jisoo p.o.v.

Ok. WHAT THE ACTUAL F*** KAI. I mentally screamed. I always knew him as.an innocent child. But now? I just question his sanity. Especially the follow up.

I now need hobi water.

Lia just took the key from taehyun and went to the manhole. She put they key in the patch as it exactly fitted.

The lid started to glow up and it opened revealing a couple of stairs leading downwards.

It was dark but ryujin's ability helped us a lot. We now we're just following the passage while not even knowing where it actually lead.

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