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Jisoo p.o.v.

"Who are you guys....." We heard a voice from behind us. We turned behind and saw... Hoseok?

"Oh sorry noona. I didnt realize that it was you" he said. But he still eyed txtzy with much suspicion. "Dont worry. They are my students, or friends here. They will not harm you." I assured him.

He then seemed to calm down and become a lot more friendly

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He then seemed to calm down and become a lot more friendly.

Yeji p.o.v.

He seemed pretty much happy and like a mood maker once we got to know him. It turns out that he was a junior to miss jisoo but way elder than us. He was now all smiles. "Come on. Follow me." He said. He gave out positive vibes that made me feel safe. But i also felt a jealous aura coming from somewhere. 

I looked around and saw a jealous yeonjun looking at hoseok with a death stare. I didnt exactly know thee reason of his jealousy but i knew that he was.  

They used to say that girls are complicated. Guess they never took boys into consideration.

Anyways. We followed hoseok until we were greeted by a maze full of gears screws and anything that is used to make a clock.

We entered the maze. Went right thrice and then left then right again until I lost count of how many times we had went left and right. (Left and right, left and right, left and right, rip it rip it)

 "Hoseok. Are you sure you know the way right?" Miss jisoo asked him. He looked at us with a please forgive me expression and said " ummm... I think we are lost"

Hoseok p.o.v.

I was confident at first about going through the maze. I had been there a lot of times. I knew the way and lead jisoo, txt and itzy in there. Little did I know that I had forgot the way. 

I apologized to them. Jisoo looked shocked while the tallest boy just face palmed himself. I was feeling guilty at this point when another tall boy whose name happened to be yeonjun asked me where the end of the maze was due. 

At first I didn't understand until he asked me which direction. I told him t hat it was due east and he took out a compass. We followed every possible path that led to east and that is when we spotted the exit.

I thanked the boy as I now led the way again. This time knowing the way properly.

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