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Lia p.o.v.


Taehyun and Chaeryeong were dating??? Then Yeonjun oppa and Yeji unnie dropped a bomb at the same time. "So that explains why you two were kissing on the ride here"

O-O how come the rest of us didnt know about it? Then yuna said. "Well, so do we get to call you Taeryeong now?" Im not gonna miss a chance like this, so despite my shock i said wiggling my eyebrows "so when do you plan to make us aunts and uncles eh?" It earned me a smack from yeji (i think i will stop with the honorofics in the thought. i will include it in the words tho cause i dont want the maknaes dead XD) but it was worth it. Taeryeong went red at what i said. then dino included "I dont know when i will be an uncle. but when i do i will plead namjoon to let me see my niece or nephew."

Everyone found it funny. Even kook laughed. He then said "Ok dino. I dont know when you will be one, but we certianly do know that if they do not complete the missions, then you will not see your niece or nephew or both." That was enough to show us the reality. We headed towards the border and after an hour or so we reached there. 

Junkook then told us with a tear in his eye "ok guys. Be careful. I wanna see you again. But that time as a human. So please succeed this mission." Then he burst into tears.

 we promised him that we will complete it and bid goodbye to a crying rabbit. It was so sad.

Dino p.o.v.

Ok. He might be a rabbit for now but he is still overreacting like always. Like seriously? It seems like he doesn't trust them. But he was right in some way. I had heard that the northernmost part of the magic island had started to fade already. That was not good because the land of eternity is right next to the kingdom of witches which means that the next kingdom after it would be the land of eternity.

This is not turning out to be good.

Yeonjun p.o.v.

Kook's words brought tears to my eyes. I did not show it though. I too would feel the same if earth was potentially going to be destroyed and not knowing if I did not see my friends or yeji again. Wait a minute.

Why did I say yeji? Well whatever.

Once we went through the border we saw another land. This one was shiny. I saw many mountains in the distance as well as a small town ahead of it. 

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