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Chaeryeong p.o.v.

Once we crossed the border, we saw a breathtaking view. Tae then joked with me "the view is breathtaking right?" When i agreed, he immediately kissed me. I was shocked and could not move since i couldnt process what had happened because it was unexpected. Yeah, he was my boyfriend, but we never did it that much since we didnt want to get caught.

"YAH why did you do that?" I shouted at him. He said giggling "You said it was breathtaking, and i didnt want you to die because of the loss of air so i did it" Ughhh what a lame excuse. Then my brother decided to be my nemesis and agree with tae. He said "com'on lil sis. Agree that you wanted it and want more right?" he said making a smirk while looking at me.

I immediately turned red. I took the book and searched to the page where it read crystal kingdom. Here is what it said-


The crystal kingdom is located in the north-eastern area of the magic island. It is the main source of crystals in the magic island. Everything in this land is made from crystals apart from the inhabitants. This makes the land so shiny. But once you stay there for a while, you will get used to it.

That was it? well, i guess some places are too boring. 

We moved ahead as ryujin asked dino, "So will we just be passing by this land or do we have any missions here too?" He then told us "So guys, your next mission is to find the key to the time tower in the island of time. It is not present here but in some parts of the south-western area of magic island which includes the island of time, there are strong winds blowing, causing the clock to move faster." 

hyuka p.o.v.

Ok so clocks was the problem now? I still am wondering something, so i do what i had to do. I asked. "Dino, instead of telling us all at once. Why do you tell us the missions time by time?"

"well, you see, the missions for you is not decided at the first. It is being developed through time, and you have to solve what is happening. so simply, it is not planned." oh i see.

We were headed to the city that was in sight. As we walked, We saw a UHH... dwarf i guess? It then came towards us and said, "so you finally reached here? You said you will be back sooner dino." 

"Sorry woozi hyung. I met kook and also guided them here." he said pointing at us.

"Oh sorry. Guys, this is woozi hyung and woozi hyung, the boys are txt and the girls are itzy." he introduced us to him. Then soobin said "you sure he is a human and not a dwarf right dino?" everyone laughed apart from woozi who was now punching soobin's arm

 Then soobin said "you sure he is a human and not a dwarf right dino?" everyone laughed apart from woozi who was now punching soobin's arm

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To us he indeed was smol.

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