Chapter 22

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This chapter contains slight mental breakdown.

That shit. That little fucking shit.

Have you ever been so angry that you get this strong urge to kill someone or strangle them, maybe even knock them out?

If not then let me give you an example. Imagine you're invited to a party or something and the only person you know is your friend. Now imagine if said friend just ditches you there leaving you all alone to fend for yourself.

Yeah I'm talking about that. I am resisting the urge to go and dig up that little shit's grave, somehow bring him back to life and then kill him.

Obviously my brain took a much more detailed darker line of thoughts but I thought it was better if I just cut them short.

I mean seriously. Who the fuck does he honestly think he is?

This guy literally made himself out to be a fucking saint. Every single fucking thing he said had double meaning that only I would understand in that stupid letter and since when was that shit sick.

I just don't understand anything. I feel like my brain is about to explode.
Reading that letter has just fucked me up more than I already was. I was doing great before I read it but now it feels like someone has just dumped a bucket of ice all over me giving me a major reality check.

Dear daughter,

My precious little Lexie. My sweet little doll.

It saddens me greatly that you're reading this letter because it would mean that I have unfortunately passed. Unfortunate my ass.

I have been hiding the truth from you for a couple of years because I thought that I would get better but it turns out that I only got worse.

It breaks my heart that we won't be able to have any more family dinners and talk about our day or celebrate your birthday together but don't worry. I have a feeling that your next birthday will be unforgettable.

Your mother and I are in a better place now watching over you with your little friend Kristina, no, Savanna.

Even though we didn't share the same DNA you were still and will always be my daughter.

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