Chapter 15

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It has officially been a week since I have started living here and things are okay I guess. Its been odd getting used to this 'sibling thing' but at least I'm not getting abused or bullied anymore.

Unfortunately all good things have to come to an end because mom called and told me after Jade comes over and verifies this new living situation I'll be going to school.

Whyyyyy. I feel like I might die. I know I'm being overdramatic but who likes school. Its filled with annoying kids who'd rather bully others than mind their business. And don't get me started on the homework and Math assignments.

I probably would've liked school if the teachers would actually give proper explanations on certain topics instead of treating me like a fucking idiot but oh well.

I  feel a certain emotion that I can't completely decipher when I think about school. Its not fear or anything. Its more of a deep hatred and maybe slight fear andeven though I'm not going to my previous school, the memories still haunt me.

Its kinda like puberty when you have that bad acne phase and try to get rid of it but it just won't go away but then it slowly clears up and you have a major glow up. I guess my new life is going to be my major glow up.

Anyway. Right now I'm at the dinner table eating dinner with my 'family.' I'm still getting used to eating big portions of food and I think that they are starting to notice but at least I can hold down more food.

The conversation is the same as always. They keep talking about 'The business'. It starting to get a little irritating not knowing what they are talking about. Its kinda like when you have these two friends that like to whisper things when you're around them and have code words or something and make you feel left out.

Obviously I have never experienced this but on the days when people choose to ignore me I notice a lot of things.

The conversation kept dragging on Italian but was interrupted by a phone call. Everyone slowly turned their heads and looked at me. Whether it was in shock that I have a cellphone or that my ringtone was Parents by Yungblud we will never know.

I answered my phone on the fifth ring not checking who called me because I already knew who it was.

Phone conversation
"What do you want?" I asked. To other people I might have sounded rude but we have an understanding.

"Are there people around you?" She asked.

"Yes." I replied shortly.

"Your shipment is arriving tomorrow at xxxxxx. Its the location of the storage house. If you manage to come by, make sure you aren't followed." She said monotonously but sounded like she was struggling to breathe.

"Understood. Are you okay?" I asked slightly hesitant. With her you can never be sure which mood she's in. She's kind of like me.

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