Chapter 21

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The next day Jade and some lawyers came over for the whole inspection and stuff and legalising my adoption.

Since my parents weren't around due to some business trip or whatever, Liam had to sign all of the documents and now he's my legal guardian.

Yay me.😑 Can you feel the sarcasm.

Anyway, Jade said she needed to talk to me about John in private after she was done talking to my brothers.

So I spent most of my time worrying. What was she going to say about him? Was she going to talk about the funeral? Did she somehow find out about everything? No, I mean how could she? We both took precautions.

John faked most of my doctor's checkups with help from his friends that knew about the abuse to avoid problems with the cops and I took precautions making sure no one knew about the bruises and cuts and if they did they assumed it was from the bullies at school and didn't care that much.

So, what the hell did she want to talk about?

I guess I zoned out for a couple of minutes because Hayden started shaking me.

"Hm? What? Sorry I didn't hear what you were saying." I mumbled a little bit dazed.

"I said you look like you're about to puke. Are you okay?" He asked concerned as he looked up from his drawing before continuing to sketch his picture.

Oh, I forgot. Hayden used to love drawing but something happened and he quit. He mostly sketches nowadays but he doesn't allow anyone to see them.

When I asked him why he quit, he just seemed sad, scared and then he got angry so I just dropped the subject.

"What are you drawing?" I asked him trying to change the subject.

"Don't really know. I'm just kind of winging it." He said shrugging his shoulders and continuing with whatever he was drawing until he was done.

"What do you think they are talking about in there?" I asked as he made his way to the fridge and started drinking some energy shake.

"Don't know. Its probably nothing that serious. You should stop worrying and relax." He said placing a hand on my shoulder.

I let out a sigh. He was probably right. I was most likely panicking over nothing.

"You're right. What do you want to do now?" I asked him after he removed his hand from my shoulder and headed to the living room with me following closely behind him.

"We could watch TV." He suggested.

So that's what we did. We spent the first 20 minutes arguing over what show to watch before we decided to watch Titans for the first 3 hours then Marvel's Runaways.

It sucks that they aren't making another season.

After our little marathon, Hayden decided that it was time for us to eat something when I realised something.

This was probably the longest time I've seen  Hayden without his twin.

"Hey, where are the others?" I asked him while putting some Cheeto in my mouth before spitting them out.

Sorry to all the Cheeto lovers out there.

"Some of them are still talking with the lawyers, Blade's with his friends, Xander and Jayden are probably at the park and Axel's visiting someone" He answered the last one cryptically but I ignored it.

"What do we do now?"

"Want to see who can put their hand in a bucket of ice the longest?"

"Why would I do that?" I asked and in response he shrugged his shoulders.

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