Chapter 23

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Waking up the next day was about as exciting as taking a math test but on the plus side no nightmares.

All I wanted to do was sleep for the whole day and maybe forgot about the rest of the world or maybe stay in my room forever.

I could honestly live in here for the rest of my life. I have everything I needed in here minus food but that's just a minor miscalculation.

Slowly stretching before getting out of bed, I made my way to the bathroom debating whether to shower or not.

I just wanted to have a day to relax and get rid of the bad vibes or whatever from yesterday but I just feel so tired.

Deciding I don't have energy for anything other than sleeping I went back to bed.

Not even 7 minutes later someone barged into my room and tore my blankets away from me and started screaming 'breakfast, breakfast!' over and over again like a parrot.

In moments like this I truly regret ever wishing for siblings.

I mean yeah it's nice sometimes. You're not completely lonely, you get to spend time with them watching movies or series even though they hate you or act like it, sometimes they're not completely useless like helping you with your bogus homework but other times its complete shit.

Like when they scold you, wake you up in the worst ways like putting an alarm clock near your ears or pouring water on your face or the one time you decide to have a quick little nap in the living room and decide to stick a French fry up your nose and take a picture, tell you to do your homework when all you really want to do is sleep and watch Netflix & Chill, oh and the best one is when they refuse to mind their business but that applies to basically every single person in the world.

Its very rare to find someone that doesn't stick their nose in your business.

Anyway, where were we? Oh yeah, like an annoying little parent after taking the only thing that was providing me with warmth.

Covering my ears to block out the noise, I reached over my dresser and threw the first thing my hand came in contact with which happened to be a plastic cactus I borrowed from Xander's room.

Judging by the sound of swearing the cactus did its job.

I was about to close my eyes again for the fifth time when Hayden roughly took a hold of my hand and drag me out of my bed like some ragdoll actively ignoring my protests.

I maybe acting a bit childish but come on, I deserve it. I at least deserve to have more than 4 hours of sleep give or take but what have we learned so far.

The universe is never on my fucking side.

'That's not completely true'

'Shut up'

'You're not exactly the smartest chicken in the pen.'

'And you're not exactly the sharpest tool in the shed. In fact you're so stupid that your having an argument with yourself'

Tuning out that stupid voice in my head I realised that Hayden had dragged me to the kitchen and I was standing there staring at nothing for over 51 seconds making odd faces.

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