Chapter 4

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I knocked on the door twice before I heard a faint 'come in'. I entered the room to be met by the principal, a man in a suit and a lady in a beautiful black dress. I ignored them and made my way to the  only open seat.

"I have some bad news to give you."she said as she looked at me sympathetically. Seeing as I wasn't going to respond, she continued "Unfortunately there was an accident, your stepfather was involved and he didn't make it."

The moment she said those words it felt like the world isn't trying to fuck me over  for once but I needed to make sure I wasn't being tricked.
"Your saying that  he's dead." I said and she nodded solemnly. I burst into laughter whether it was cynical or of joy I didn't know. I guess that it wasn't a joke since no one was laughing along.

"Wait you're serious?" I asked and they all nodded.
"Oh, okay. "I honestly didn't know how to respond.
"So am I going to go to a foster home or an orphanage?" I asked. Clearly they were shocked that I wasn't a sobbing mess.
I sighed clearly irritated by their lack of cooperation. "If you're expecting me to burst in tears in front of a bunch of strangers then you must be pretty insane."I said in an emotionless voice.

The principal was clear shocked by my behavior but quickly recovered by clearing her throat uncomfortably.
"No, your not going to live in an orphanage or foster home but with your father."she said cautiously.
"My father wants me. "I said slightly confused.

I mean Nancy said that when my father found out that she was pregnant, he told her to get an abortion and left. If I wasn't born, maybe she would've been happier.

Before I could dwell anymore on my thoughts, a throat cleared from beside me. For the first time since I entered, I acknowledged the other people in the room.

The man had on a black armani suit and he had my grey eyes and blondish hair mixed with some brown. He had a cold expression on his face that made the principal uncomfortable. He looked like a model and in his mid twenties was 6'3.

The woman had black hair and brown eyes.  She was 5' 9. She also seemed cold but not as clod as the man but enough to make the principal uncomfortable.

"Hi, my name Jade Frazier and this is your older brother Ace Storm Rossi."Jade said.
"I am going to be your social worker and reunite you with your family."she said with a small smile on her face. She seemed genuinely nice but you never know the secrets people keep locked away in the darkest parts of their minds.

I didn't want to seem rude so I nodded my head and said yes.
After sometime,Ace signed some papers and we said our goodbyes.
The principal said"It was nice having you as a student here Alexandra."
"I'm sure it was." I mumbled as I made my way out of the office along with Jade and Ace.

Mrs Mary Anne the principal of this school or my other hell hole always knew about the bullying but she chose to ignore it because some parents paid her extra money to let it slide. So her words probably mean 'I'm going to miss getting money from the parents whose kids bullied you'.

No one in this place cares enough to do anything.

We made our way to the school parking lot and I saw the most beautiful thing I ever saw. It was a black maserati.
"I've never seen something so beautiful." I whispered.
"Yeah but its not as great as Blade's." Ace said as we made our way inside the car.

" Ace said as we made our way inside the car

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"Who is Blade.?" I asked.
"He's one of your brothers." Ace replied as a flash of hurt appeared in his eyes before they went back to normal.

After that the car was filled with an uncomfortable silence as we made our way to my house. Jade decided to break the silence by turning on the radio.
"Hey,haven't you heard the rule that the driver picks the music?" Ace asked slightly whining.
"The awkward silence was suffocating besides you owe me for pissing me off earlier." Jade replied.
The radio turned on and played   Nightmare  by Halsey.

I keep a record of the wreckage in my life
Gotta recognize the weapon in my mind
Talk shit but I love every time and I realize.• They screeched loudly.

I guess music does unite people in some cases but I won't trust them that easily.

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