Chapter 5

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The rest of the ride was filled with some music and chatting between Ace and Jade. I would've joined in and probably enjoyed myself but seeing how people usually treat me its better to be silent.

I only talked when I was giving them directions on how to get to the house.

Eventually we made it to the house. Ace parked the car and I unbuckled the seatbelt.
"Just give me five minutes and I'll be out." I mumbled before making my way into the house. I went up to the attic and found a small suitcase where I packed 5 hoodies, 2 long sleeved shirts, 3 jeans and some underwear. I didn't need to pack the painkillers because they were in my backpack. I also packed my toothbrush and toothpaste.

°Oral hygiene is important people.°

I then made my way to the floorboard and opened it. Now you must be wondering why I would do that. Well, its because that's where I keep my 2 blades,the letters and the money I've been saving up to run away. After packing everything, I quickly made my way out of the house and to Ace's car.

More will be mentioned about the letters later

I put my luggage in the boot and made my inside the car. I sat patiently and waited for Ace to start the car. Since I didn't know where we were going I decided to ask.

"So,where are we going?"
"Miami" Ace responded. I didn't bother to hide the shock on my face but its not like they could see it.
"But I don't have a passport and how are you gonna get passed security?" I asked slightly panicking not for the passport part but the sneaking blades and money into the airport part.
Jade silently laughed before telling me that we are going on my 'family's' private jet.

Obviously I was very shocked. J mean these guys own a freaking private jet. Like WTF!

"You don't talk much, do you?" Ace stated or more like questioned after some few minutes.

"I only speak when its necessary."I answered shrugging my shoulders.

He looked at me with a look of disbelief before mumbling something that I didn't hear but obviously Jade did because she started laughing.
Since I want to give humanity a try although I might end up regretting this I asked some questions.

"How many brothers do we have?" I didn't want to seem rude by asking 'you' instead of 'we' and I wanted to avoid some tension on the way to the private jet.
"You  have eight brothers myself included." Ace replied like it was the most normal thing in the world. Like this happens everyday. (please note the sarcasm.)

Wow. Well. That's one way to give me a heart attack. Just to assess the situation .

♦I am going to live with nine males who are extremely rich and they could torture me for all my days and kill me without anyone knowing.♦

Wow the universe really does love me, doesn't it.(again, please note the sarcasm). Great. Just great.

"So are you going to give me their descriptions or...... I trailed off
"Nah it'll be a surprise." He said.
I groaned loudly to which they chucked to.
"How old are you guys?" I asked. I might as well as try to know them.
"Were both 23." Jade replied.
"Are you guys dating?" I asked. I guess they weren't really expecting that question because Jade started coughing uncontrollably and Ace stared blushing and me being the great person I am I asked another question that sent Jade and I laughing
"Are you feeling flustered?"

That simple statement eased the awkward tension that was about to occur. So I send a silent thank you to 'Jordan Wallace aka one of the best guys on Wattpad.'

For the first time in a long time I actually laughed and enjoyed my time with people but its not wise for me to get too close to them.

The rest of the ride went without any problem. We just asked the usual questions like favorite colors, favorite fruit etc.

We finally reached the airport and went through the checking of my suitcase and backpack. I guess they didn't think a little girl wouldn't have blades and money on her.

After that, we made our way to the private jet and let me tell you it was gorgeous. Its not like people find out they have rich brothers they don't know about everyday so I might as well enjoy the ride.

Picture of the jet

Picture of the jet

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