Chapter 9

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Home. That one word with four letters has more meaning than we realise. A home isn't just a shelter. Its  a place where you feel comfort and safety. Its a place filled with laughter, joy, heartache. The good and the bad.

I have never had a home and I doubt this place will ever be that for me.

This was no house. It was a fucking mansion. It was like a whole part of this place was forested and they decided to build a mansion. It seemed almost secluded.

I was about to go and grab my suitcase but Ace said that Gio would bring it in for me. It seemed like a pretty douche move to let someone handle my stuff when I'm very capable but I didn't dwell on those thoughts.

I quickly got my backpack and slung it around my shoulders before anyone could stop me and followed Ace and Jade inside the mansion.

The inside of the mansion was more spectacular then anything I've ever seen. The design was a bit of Victorian. This place looked like something straight out of a magazine.
(A/n: I suck at descriptions)

"Anyone home!"Ace shouted.

It was silent before we heard what seems to be arguing. Then suddenly two boys came from upstairs.

The first one was 5'9 and had dark hair with blue eyes and the second one was 5'9 and had  dark blonde hair with gray eyes. They looked alike so I assume that they are twins.

To be honest both of them were pretty much giants compared to me but I wasn't that short. I was 5'3 , 5'4 on a good day but when have I  ever had those.

"Maybe if you weren't such a dickhead I would help you." Blue eyes shouted.

"Oh please, do us all a favour and get your head out of your ass." Gray eyes replied.

As soon as those words left gray eye's mouth, blue eyes tackled him on the ground and shoved a text book in gray eye's face.

Before the fight escalated any further, Jade got an air horn from her purse and counted to three silently before crouching down slightly and blowing the air horn.

As soon as the air horn was blown, both boys released a catlike shriek and got off each other while Ace and Jade were laughing their asses off, my eyes shone with amusement.

When both boys got off from the ground, their faces were both red flushing with anger and embarrassment.

"What the hell!" Blue eyes and gray eyes exclaimed at the same time.

Ace was still laughing before he calmed down and said" Meet your baby sister idiotas"

I felt slightly insulted that he called me a baby. Babies are happy, innocent and pure while I'm anything but I'm more of a tainted soul.

"È davvero lei?" Blue eyes asked in what I would assume is Italian.
(Is that really her?)

"Si fratello." Ace replied
(Yes brother.)

"Come fai a saperlo?" Gray eyes asked.
(How do you know that)

'È lei che si fida di me ."Jade replied.
(Its her trust me)

"Mi chiedo come sia."Gray eyes and blue eyes stated at the same time before glaring at each other.
(I wonder how she looks like)

By now it was getting annoying that they were speaking a language I couldn't understand. Everything that came out their mouthes was complete gibberish and they were speaking too fast for me to comprehend.

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