Chapter 14

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I am so sorry for the last chapter. I didn't edit it at all and just published it although I'm pretty sure I hate autocorrect right now but whatever. This chapter contains brief talk about drug usage.
The last two days have passed really quickly ever since I've been here. I have successfully avoided everyone like the plague except Xander, Hayden and Jayden.

They are my kind of people even though they are the complete opposite of me. I'm the type of person that stares at you for a long time until you get freaked  out. I'm pretty sure I give a 'fuck off' vibe or at least hope I do.

Xander, Hayden and Jayden are the type of people that like smiling, making people smile, tell jokes all the time and probably watch a bunch of tiktoks and memes at like 3 am. Basically they are the fun people and I'm the Grinch.

I'm pretty sure if someone fell down I would be full blown laughing on the inside but blank faced on the outside. Other times I'm like that's not funny. I'm pretty indecisive sometimes.

I had a walk in with Blade one time since I've been living here. It was more of he was texting on his phone, stared at me and walked off. I would like to say that was one of the most awkward interactions I've had with someone but unfortunately its not.

I remember the first time I met Savanna. She was crying in the school playground near me and in my head I was like 'I'm just gonna ignore her until she goes away' but she never left.

I got up and was about to leave then I changed my mind and gave her a part of my sandwich that I stole. I should've walked away from her but instead I stayed and ruined her life.

The other members of the family always had work to do and others were just avoiding each other.

The only time the whole family was together was for dinner and the main discussion was business. They mostly discussed in Italian and it was so irritating. I barely know any Italian. I mostly know cuss words.

When we started learning Spanish in school, Savanna told me its better to learn cuss words first then all the other stuff later. So that's what I did. I started learning cuss words then actual sentences and stuff when I was learning a new language.

I only know French and Spanish aside from English. I wanted to learn other languages but I got sidetracked with other stuff.

Anyway, what's the important thing I wanted to tell you. Oh yeah. Dr Alvarez is coming over today to drop over the test results. I'm 100% sure I'm related to them but I've not decided if that's a good or bad thing yet.

Its a good thing because I'll have a family but it's a bad thing because I'll have a family. Having a family is good and stuff but I'm not sure I want one. The people I have cared for have all died in the past because of me and my other ' family' turned out to be abusive.

I don't really blame Nancy that much because she was out of of it most times and she was fighting her own demons that were slowly killing her body and fucking up her brain.

I remember one day when I was younger I poured her drugs down the drain to help her but it didn't work out that well.

She backhanded me and nearly chocked me to death for doing that. After she did that, John chained her to the bedpost and locked her in her room.

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