Chapter 6

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I would like to thank you all for getting my book to 1.5k. I honestly thought no one was going to read this so thank u very much.
We were in the jet waiting patiently for take off while I got lost in my thoughts.

Is it bad that I'm happy that John died? Yes,100%. Call me sadistic or whatever but he got what he deserved although I would've been more than happy to be the one to end his pathetic existence.

My thoughts were interrupted by the pilot who told us to fasten our seatbelts and switch off our electronic devices because take off wass in 5 minutes.

I subtly opened my backpack and put my phone on airplane mode. I made sure no one saw my phone and quickly slipped it back in my backpack.

You also maybe wondering why I would hide my phone from them. Well, its because I don't trust anyone.
I may talk to them but its a limited amount. Its not like I can trust a bunch of strangers. I know they'll break my trust so why bother. As long as they stay out of my way, I'll stay out of theirs.

After a few minutes we were in the air flying. I'm not really scared of heights so I was pretty okay. I looked out the window and the sight was so beautiful. The sky was a mix of orange, blue and purple and the clouds were so amazing. I would've been smiling if I could but since I can't I didn't.

 I would've been smiling if I could but since I can't I didn't

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"So, are you going to put down the hood?"Ace asked.
"No." I said rather coldly. I didn't mean too but I don't want him to stare at me like I'm garbage but its not like I don't already know that. Since I didn't want to seem too rude I replied with a less harsh tone "I meant not right now because I'm very comfortable." It looked like he was about to say something but Jade stopped him by placing a hand on his shoulder and shaking her head.

I guess I'm just the type of person that ruins people's mood. Maybe that's why everyone hates me because I ruin the mood but I'm pretty sure they hate me because I exist.
"Oh well. That's just life." a voice in my head.

"Are we like step siblings or half siblings?" I asked curiously.
"No, we're full siblings." Ace said.
"Oh" I replied.
"You sound a little disappointed." Jade said a little bit confused and maybe hurt.
"No, its not that. Na- mother didn't tell me that I had siblings."

As soon as those words came out of my mouth, Ace and Jade visibly cringed. Its not like I wouldn't have preferred to call her by her name but I think that they would find that a bit strange.

Besides the word 'mother' has no sentimental value to me since Nancy was never that. Sure she gave me life but she didn't care. I may not have had a mother growing up but I know that they are supposed love and care for you.

I might as well be sounding like an ungrateful brat. I mean she did provide me with food,shelter sometimes and also education. Sure she tried killing me but I know that it was the drugs and my fault. She would've been happy if I wasn't born.
Babies are usually blessings for people but I guess I was a curse.

"She isn't your mother." Ace said coldly. I mean I guess I would be pretty pissed if I was him. I get where his coming from.

"OK. So tell me my origin story?" I asked.

"Origin story?" Ace asked amused.

"Yeah. You know like spider man with the radioactive spider, Flash with the particle accelerator. You know like my whole story line." The both of then looked at me amused.

"I think mum and dad will have to tell you that." Ace replied.

"What do you mean 'mum' and dad?" I asked slightly confused and angry but I made sure to hide the anger in my voice.

"You do know Na- mother is dead right." I said. I mean there is no chance in hell she is alive. She was practically raped to death in front of me.

If this is supposed to be some type of joke, it isn't very funny.

"Nancy wasn't your mother." Jade said as softly as she could.

The moment she said those words it felt like my whole world was crushed.

I mean I basically found out that Nancy wasn't my birth giver. I was basically living with a stranger who wanted to kill me, was a drug addict and hated me.

"Wow, I really am loved." I thought bitterly.

I lost my stepfather, found out I have 8 brothers and a father and mother or stepmother and that my birth giver isn't really my birth giver.

I let out a silent chuckle and before I knew it I was full blown laughing. It wasn't musical or beautiful. It was more of maniacal and cold. I'm sure they looked at me like I was insane but I didn't care.

"OK." I said after I was done laughing. I'm pretty sure they expected me to cry or show any form of emotion but I kept my eyes and face blank. They'll soon realise that I'm more of a shadow than a person.

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