Chapter 27

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3 Weeks Later
Its been over 3 weeks since I started my new school and so far everything is going great.

I finally have friends that are my age and won't probably end up in a ditch for hanging out with me and are trust worthy to an extent, I'm not getting bullied as much as I used too. I only get an eye roll and maybe a snide comment.

I would like to hope that one day  people won't find it necessary to bring down others just to feel more secure about themselves but that doesn't look like it will happen for a couple of more years.

My relationship with my older brothers is less of an 'I hate you' or 'I'll stab your eyes out with my spoon' but more neutral which is all that I could hope for.

There hasn't been any news on my parents. They haven't come back from their trip yet but they send an occasional text message to each one of us once in a while.

No one really seems affected by it except Xander but I try my hardest to help him ignore it by planning super cool pranks with him.

Like this one time, we filled Axel's shampoo bottle with cockroaches and yellow hair dye. That wasn't really my idea. I just wanted to put in some yellow hair dye but Xander said that it would be funnier his way and he definitely did not lie although we got grounded and as punishment, we had to wash every body's cars and all their dirt laundry that sometimes had the distinct smell of gun powder which was odd but then I remembered that my brother's sometimes go to the shooting range.

We regretted nothing. It was sad that the hair dye was temporary but we managed to capture some good pictures which we sent to the family group chat and made tons of memes.

That was a good day.

Then my brothers decided to make it a tradition of sorts that we visit the shooting range every Saturday which I also found odd but I wasn't about to question it. Besides, it was a great way to relieve stress.

It was like a detox for all of us or something although most people would probably go to a spa but we're not like most people so we don't care.

They also decided that it was a good idea for them to start training me in combat and knife fighting even though I had a lot of experience in the second didn't mean that I couldn't brush up on my skills, so every day at 3:00 am, I head down to the gym and train with anyone that's there before going back to bed at 4:00am.

It was a bit stressful and irritating in the beginning but I got used to it or I'm getting used to it. I hope.

What else? Oh. My brothers found out about my nightmares somehow and probably associated them with Nancy and her addiction since her medical records weren't exactly hidden from my family and assumed that I might've been around for Nancy's less than great moments which left me with some mental scars.

They decided to take me to a psychiatrist in one of their buildings that I meet with every Monday, Wednesday and Thursday.

I found out that my psychiatrist, Charlotte, was a member of the 'Red Skulls' gang back in Austin, Texas.

Apparently, all members of her former gang and her little brother were killed in a raid over 2 years ago. She's now the last living member of the 'Red Skulls.'

Obviously I didn't get this information by flat out asking her. I called in a favour with an old friend and asked him to perform a background check on her.

I only asked for information that may be useful to me. I would've preferred not finding out about her brother because that's something private but apparently that info was relevant.

Despite "checkered" eh, despite her past, she's a really great and kind person if not a bit rude. She's been really helpful to me these past few weeks and has helped me out a lot.

Though we started off a bit rocky.

I wish that I could tell her everything that happened but that wouldn't go very well. So, I only tell her about my brothers, my new friends, bit of my nasty childhood with Nancy and what a great father figure John was.

It physically hurt me to spew out all that bullshit of how John was such a kind and honest man. Kill me. Like seriously.

Talking to her almost made me feel as if the weight on my shoulders had lessened. It was nice talking to someone else about how stressful everything was instead of myself.

I'm not saying that talking to myself didn't help but that only helped to get my thoughts out of my head, not really giving me any advice. I could've talked with my brothers but I feel like that would've been extremely awkward seeing as we've barely known each other for that long and their my brothers so that was huge no.

As for my school friends, I've hardly known them for a month and we mostly talk about light topics. None of the heavy shit. And for my other friends, they have their own lives to deal with, their own problems and I don't want to burden them with something as pointless as a bunch of nightmares.

Although deep down I know that they wouldn't think of it as silly and would probably do all they could to help me as they've done for most of the years that I have known them, I still don't want to bother them with my issues.

Overall, these past few weeks have been amazing. School has been pretty much okay minus History and Geography class because the teachers are so damn boring but I'll manage and I'm starting to become healthier.

I don't even rely on my pills anymore and most of the bruises and scars on my body are fading or at least starting too.

I just wish that it could be like this forever but nothing lasts that long.

Hey guys. I'm back!!! The story might not be heading in the same direction as it was before or might not flow. I don't know. But I'll try my absolute hardest to keep it on track.

Thank you guys for commenting and still reading this book. I really appreciate.

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Hope you guys have a wonderful day or night wherever you are💜💜💜

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