Chapter 20

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Oh shit

All that was going through my head at that moment was  'oh shit, oh shit, oh shit I'm too young to die like this. I've barely even gone to a freaking carnival or gone to a sleep over and this is how my life will end. I can even here what the reporters are going to say.'

A bit over dramatic yes buy I think I have a right to be.

Normally I wouldn't be all that shocked seeing guns because I saw them plenty of times when I went to the facility and with my friends but those situations were different.

There I knew I wasn't gonna get shot in the face buy I'm not so sure now. I mean, its not everyday your brothers are pointing guns at your face.

Usually when people see guns pointed at their faces they all have different reactions. Some act like total badasses and throat punch the gun dudes, others cry and say 'I'm too young to die' or start praying and I just open my big fat mouth and wait for a bunch of shit to come out. Not literally.

"Oh shit." I say staring at Axel's Glock 22 while the rest of my brothers hide their guns behind them as if I didn't already see them.

"What's wrong with your face?" one of my brothers asked but I wasn't too focused on them.

"Why do you guys have guns? Isn't it illegal for you guys to have guns? How did I not notice that you guys had guns? Wait are you guys going to shoot me? You'll get arrested if you shoot me unless you guys don't care and will just knock me out and put me in a garbage bag before you shoot my face off and bury me in the woods and wait for the maggots to eat me." I rambled. I am so not good in these situations.

I was about to go on before Liam put his hand up stopping me from asking anymore questions.

"We have them for protection. No its not illegal because we have licenses. You probably didn't notice because you aren't all that observant and no we aren't going to shoot you." He said rolling his eyes at my last question.

"Well excuse me for thinking that I was about to get shot." I mumbled sarcastically rolling my eyes.

"You're excused." I heard one of my brothers reply but I didn't pay much attention to who it was.

"How do I know you aren't going to shoot me?" I asked not believing them.

"The guns aren't even loaded, see" Axel said as he proceeded point the gun above my head and shoot before rolling his eyes and calling me overdramatic.

"Its too early in the morning for this shit." Axel mumbled angrily before making his way out of Xander's room.

The rest of my brothers piled out of the room leaving Liam, Noah, Xander and I in the room.

"Well, night." I said as I quickly made my way out of the room before I was pulled back.

"You're not getting away that easy. You're grounded for 5 days. Meaning no electronics, you're handing them over tomorrow." Noah said.

"Whyyyy? I didn't even do anything that bad. All I did was give him payback for what he did yesterday." I whined.

"Am I not allowed to defend myself?" I said feigning anger.

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