Chapter 8

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After we landed, we got out of the jet and walked through the airport.
We received some stares from people around us. They were probably wondering why an ugly human sized rat was following around two models.

I ignored all of their stares and continued following Ace and Jade.
After a few more minutes, we finally got out of the airport. There were a bunch of cars, motorbikes and a limo.

"I'm guessing the limo is for us." I said.

"Obviously" Ace replied.

Some dude got out of the limo and put my luggage in the boot of the limo.

"Alex, this is our chauffer Mr. Smith." Ace said.

Oh, that's what you call them. Now I feel like an idiot. I thought to myself.

"Nice to meet you Mr Smith." I replied.

"Oh, please call me Gio. Mr Smith makes me feel very old." Gio replied.

"Aren't you already old?" Ace questioned.

"I'm not old enough that I can't give you an ass whooping." Gio said.

Jade started laughing while Ace gulped. Gio glared at Ace for a bit longer before breaking out in a warm smile.

Gio put my luggage in that boot of the limo. I offered to help him but he refused.

We entered the limo and sat in our seats. A few moments later Gio came back and started the limo.

I looked around the limo and it had a bunch of sweets, chocolates, licorice and sodas. I really wanted to eat the sweets but that would be rude considering all that they have done for me.

I had never eaten any sweets, ice cream or junk food in general.

I remember I once bought a soda when I was 9 years old. John found out and he force fed me until I puked everything and punched me in the gut.

That was my first and last time to ever drink a soda. It sucked but I had no right to be upset because their were other kids out there who didn't have any food and I was being ungrateful.

"How old are you Gio?" Ace asked.

"Shut up" Jade hissed silently.

" You really want an ass whooping don't you." Gio replied.

For the first time in a while I smiled.
These guys act more like kids than 23 year olds. I wish I could be as care free as them but unfortunately I am bound to the shadows, the darkness and the voices.

" Gio, can you please stop by McDonald's?" Jade asked.

"Of course sweetheart." Gio replied kindly.

"Why are you so kind to her but mean to me?" Ace replied pouting slightly.

"Oh come on Ace, Gio is more of a grandpa to me than he is to you." Jade replied.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"What do you mean? When you nod your head yes but you wanna say n-

"Shut up."Jade interrupted Ace before he could go any further on his screeching.

" Gio and your grandpa we're best friends since childhood and they lost touch for a few years before they got back together. So when your family took me in, Gio was like a second grandpa to me. " Jade replied.

"Its kinda hard to believe that Gio and grandpa are friends because Gio is like Olaf while grandpa is somehow like squid ward." Ace replied.

"Yeah, that's now but when it comes to the family business he's a whole different person." Jade said.

"What's the family business?" I asked.

Ace, Jade and Gio switched glances between each other before Ace cleared his throat and said" Dad will tell you about it."

In other words don't ask anymore questions involving the ' family business'.

After a few more minutes we reached the McDonald's driveway.

"What would you like?" Jade asked.

"I don't  really know. You can chose for me." I replied.

It wasn't really a lie. I have never gone to a fast food restaurant or restaurant in general so I don't really care about what they serve. Sure I want to eat a bunch of junk food and get fat but I didn't have the opportunity.

"Oh well, there is no point in sulking in self pity." a voice in my head said.

Jade ordered food for the four of us. We had to wait a good 15 minutes before getting the food. Jade ordered me something called a Big Mac Burger.

It tasted amazing if I'm comparing it to the food I've ever eaten before which is pretty much water and apples.

We ate our meals with some jokes, light conversation and music while making our way to the house.

We rode for a few more minutes before the place came a bit secluded. Almost hidden but not extremely hidden. I guess the rich value privacy.

We rode around until we entered a gate with a pass code. I stole a quick glance at it.'AHKR 435 DTT'

Well that's a long password to remember couldn't thy make it easier.

We drove around before I saw a huge ass mansion. Like super freaking huge.

"Welcome home baby sis." Ace said.

"Home, this is a FREAKING CASTLE" I replied awed.

Picture of the mansion

Should I make them the English, Spanish or Italian Mafia?

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Should I make them the English, Spanish or Italian Mafia?

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