Chapter 11

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I woke up 4 hours later after having a nightmare. I was too tired last night that I forgot to change out of my clothes so they stuck to my body as I most likely sweated last night during my nightmare.

I got up from the bed and picked out some underwear and an outfit before heading to the bathroom.

I took off my clothes and stepped under the shower. The shower woke me up and helped me forget about my nightmare. Something about showering just makes me feel like I'm washing away any remainders of my nightmares. It almost makes me feel clean and pure but I'm a tainted soul.

After I finished showering, I got a towel and dried off my body before dressing up.

I brushed my teeth before heading back to the bedroom and unplugged my phone from the charger before scrolling through my contacts before calling someone.

The phone phone rang for a minute before the person on the other line picked up.

Phone conversation
"What do you want?" The voice asked.

"Is that any way to speak to your favourite person?" I teased.

"Its 2:00am, what do you want?" The voice asked.

"I need you to send them." I answered.

"When do you need them to arrive?" The voice asked.

"As soon as you are available, send them." I answered monotonously.

"OK. What are you doing awake this early?" The voice asked concern lacing its tone.

"Nothing. Take care and call me when you're done." I said.

"Goodnight." The voice said.

"Goodnight." I said before hanging up.

After hanging up, I decided to lay my bed. When I finished laying my bed I went and got my money from the back wall of the closet.

I started counting it and accumulated that I had over $500,000 dollars. It wasn't a lot but it was enough for my plans.

To most people that would've seemed more than enough but I would've needed money for a fake ID and passport, fake certificates and records and other stuff.

After I counted my money, I put it back in the back wall of the closet. It was a bit odd that the mansion had secret rooms and latches but I put that idea aside and headed to the kitchen.

I was expecting it to be empty when I arrived but I was wrong. 'Mom' was seated on one of the kitchen bar stools. I was about to head back to 'my bedroom' but I was interrupted by her voice telling me not to go.

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