Chapter 24

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(I just like the song)

"You brought me to a fucking shooting range." I hissed quietly at him.

He raised an unimpressed eyebrow before looking at me like I was a fucking idiot which I am not and said 'yes' like it was the most tiring thing to talk to me.

I gritted my teeth together and closed my eyes before taking a deep breath.

"Okaay, well, why did you bring us here?"

"I brought us here for you to get rid of your anger and for me because I really like this place." He said throwing me a smirk over his shoulder before entering the building.

"Do the others no where we are?" I asked following closely behind him.

"No, and you can tell them, ever."

"Well where do you they think we are?"

"The mall."

The gun range wasn't anything all that special. It didn't look all that nice and there was lingering scent of gun powder in the air but other than that there was nothing much to say.

To put it simply, the place was eh.

While I was looking around the place, apparently Axel was renting the equipment like the guns, targets hearing wear, protective eye wear etc.

The next 3 hours were spent skimming through some magazines  and occasionally cleaning the guns. I've gotta say it wasn't the worst thing in the world.

Axel insisted on teaching me how to shoot. I mean I kinda already knew the basics like how to hold a gun, remove the safety and pull the trigger but my aim sucked. Like so bad that it's unreal.

TV makes its seem like shooting a gun is the easiest thing in the world but its not.

We eventually left the shooting range to get some  food from a cafe before Axel took us to a laser tag place.

I had honestly never played the game in my entire life. I mean with my amazing childhood and all but I heard my former classmates talk about how fun it was.

It was the one of the greatest things that I have ever done that didn't end up with me getting a serious injury.

We were playing on opposite teams. The instructor was droning on and on about the rules but I wasn't really paying any attention. I should've probably spent more time memorising the people on my team instead of whatever the hell I was doing before.

I only shot two people from my team but it wasn't my fault. The boy just snuck up behind me and the girl was genuinely acting suspicious. The glare that she gave me was just plain rude and me being me decided to be petty and shoot her again in the back.

I decided to actually start killing for my team so I took out a 10 year old kid that was going to kill the captain of my team. Was it was shooting a kid? No. Did I enjoy it? Yes. Did I feel guilty when said kid started crying? Sure but oh well.

I got taken out of the game later by my brother shooting me in the heart and I might have retaliated by shooting him back but I missed my shot. Thankfully there was no one around to notice me being a petty bitch.

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