Chapter 17

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A few hours had passed and my brothers had already left so I was stuck with Axel. I was dressed in a black hoodie that Hayden let me borrow, black high waisted jeans and sneakers.

I thought about earlier today when I saw Axel with those sleeping pills but maybe I'm just thinking too much and he just decided to use them because he was tired.

Right now I'm sitting in Axel's Audi r8 black matte as we head to the mall. The atmosphere in the car isn't awkward but neither is it comfortable. It's just there.

This could all be avoided if they didn't ask or more like force me to go to the mall

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This could all be avoided if they didn't ask or more like force me to go to the mall. I honestly didn't want to go shopping. I may not have a lot of clothes, OK I barely have any clothes but I'm comfortable with what I have.
I just don't feel comfortable with using their money to buy clothes. If they were offering to buy me food, then who am I to deny their gracious offer.

A few more minutes went by before we reached the mall. Axel parked the car and locked it before we made our way in the mall.

We walked around for a while before we went to some stores. I got a few brand hoodies, jeans, long sleeved shirts, underwear, a black tank top and a few sneakers and turned to look at Axel who had a bunch of shorts, sportswear, some dresses, sweaters, leggings, t-shirts, two skirts, some men's clothes and a bunch of sneakers and I have to admit he has amazing style.

After that we went to a few more stores where we bought school stuff like binders, backpack, staplers, notebooks, pencils and a bunch of other crap.

We also went to an electronic store where he bought me a macbook pro, an iPad, the latest iPhone, airpods, headphones and a laptop and stopped to have something to eat at the food court.

"Thank you." I said sincerely as we made our way out of the mall and to the car.

"No problem." He responded shrugging his shoulder with a small smile on his face before he dropped it and put the stuff in the car.

The drive back to the mansion was less tensed. It wasn't like we were joking around or anything but at least the atmosphere wasn't too gloomy.

We arrived back at the mansion after 15 minutes. Axel helped me put all the stuff in my room before he left because he had to make a phone call.

I watched a bunch of YouTube videos on 'how to organise your closet and sneaker collection' before I got distracted and started watching 'Nutshell Animations' before I remembered what I was doing.

I organized all my clothes and shoes before I started packing my school stuff in my backpack and later started setting up my electronics.

After I set everything up, I decided that it was time to start my mission.

Phase 1:Bullies
Aah. The bullies. It was time to finally deal with them. Would I have preferred to beat the shit out of them?Yes but I have other plans for them.

I started up my laptop before I hacked into the mainframe of the PTSBA app and installed a virus that would be activate in the next 30 seconds after I upload it.

The virus will shut the person's device off for a minute giving it enough time to transfer $300 dollars from each account, temporarily delete pictures from everywhere and expose their private messages before the app is completely erased from everywhere

Is what I'm doing illegal? Yes but its not a big deal. Nothing too bad besides the money I took can be replaced in 3 days or something because their families are rich and its not for me.

The money will be sent to a private account that can't be traced before its donated to some orphanages and a few homeless shelters anonymously.

I pressed the button and everything happened so fast. The money immediately came into my account before I donated it and the previous messages from the app were saved in a hard drive of the laptop before I smashed it and erased any evidence of my 'crime.'

It felt like a load was lifted off my shoulder and I know I should be worried or guilty but I'm not. If any of them chose to report me to the cops, they won't be able to find anything to me because she taught me how to hack without leaving a trace even though I'm not the best hacker. As for guilt, it can go and suck a goat's ass.

I did a bad thing with good intentions. Am I a bad person? Yes, I am but I never said I wasn't.

"You're a monster." I heard her voice scream in my head.

I felt bile rose in my throat before I got up and quickly ran to the bathroom and splashed water all over my face.

She's not here.' I repeated over and over in my head before I calmed down and went back to my room.

By now it was 6:54 pm and my brothers had already arrived but I guess they had other stuff to do because I couldn't find them anywhere in the mansion.

I headed downstairs and decided to have my very own 'Netflix & Chill' since I was bored and I didn't want to go to sleep yet and by that I meant i was going to watch a bunch of series online and eat cheerios.

I watched and completed three seasons of Lucifer when I realised that my brothers were in the living room with me and snacking.

I honestly didn't notice them since I was busy watching the show but I didn't mind there presence.

Noah decided to order pizzas for us. He ordered a veggie pizza for himself, Hayden and Xander got extra cheese, Blade got Hawaiian and Axel, Jayden and I got chicken pizza.

We waited for 30 minutes before our pizza arrived and we ate while watching the show.

"I can't believe you eat pineapple pizza." Xander said shoving pizza in his mouth.

"First, its called Hawaiian and second, you're not eating it so shut up." Blade replied with sass.

"Still, fruit isn't supposed to be on pizza. Its disgusting." Xander argued.

"You do know tomatoes are fruits?" Jayden asked.

"Who cares? Its not even that sweet." Xander continued.

So that's how we spent the night. My brothers arguing about whether pineapple deserved to be on pizza or not and the most superior topping.

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Thank u so much.💜💜💜

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