Chapter 26

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The rest of my day went off without a hitch.  Cora introduced me to her friend Zoe, a girl with slightly light skin with dark brown eyes and black curly hair.

She also told me about her other "friends." Well not friends. They basically sit with her on the last three days of the school week but I think if you sit with someone that long you at least have to be friends.

I mean isn't it a bit odd to sit with someone you don't like and let them listen to your conversation.

I asked them if they didn't want them around why don't they just tell them so.

"They don't bother us much and its nice to have some company." Was the response I got.

Lunch was spent with them talking about a bunch of stuff that I didn't know about. It was basically very awkward for me but they were kind enough to include me in their conversation.

I guess it was awkward because I clammed up and stayed silent not bothering to engage in the conversation.

I mean its not really my fault. I cannot control it sometimes. If I don't know a single thing about you, I'll just go all silent and set my mask of indifference in place.

Fortunately for me they didn't get deterred by my so called "rude behavior" and kept on talking to me.

I discovered that Zoe was a huge Flash fan. She even told me about stories of when she was a kid and stood under the rain praying that dark matter explosion occurred and she got struck by lightning.

Cora told me about how obsessed Zoe was that she spent most of her time talking about alternate universes and a bunch of theories about the new seasons of The Flash.

Life would've been more bearable if I had a friend to rant to about my theories and hopes of maybe having been experimented on as a kid and somehow turned out like Killer Frost and maybe kill John but alas that didn't happen.

And in return Zoe told me about Cora's huge obsession with WWE. She told me how Cora went as far to watch almost all WWE based TV shows and the massive crush she had on the shield before she grew out of that phase and how she spent most of her time downloading WWE based games and bought fake titles.

Listening to their stories made me slightly envious about their chance to have a normal childhood filled with going through these stupidly fun phases.

I debated lying to them and telling them about my experiences that never happened but thought better of it.

I didn't even bother looking for my brothers or where they sat as I was having fun talking to my new friends.

They're not friends friends because I've barely known them for a whole day and I don't fully trust them but they are friends to an extent where their voices and presence didn't make me want to bash my head in the wall.

After the bell rang again indicating that lunch was over, they helped take me to my next class and headed to their own.

Time seemed to fly considerably fast because it was now time to go back home.

Whilst we were waiting for Blade to pick us up in the parking lot, the twins introduced me to their friends while I was standing a bit further from the group with Xander playing Candy Crush and letting out a silent string of curses looking like he was one second away from throwing his phone.

I hate that game. I mean it was fun when I first got introduced to it and slightly addictive but then when I hot to 1000+ levels it got harder and made me feel stupid if not slightly irritated that I was still on the same level for 2 weeks so I gave up and uninstalled it then downloaded it again. Still stuck on the same level.

10 minutes later, Blade finally arrived and took us back home with some hip hop music playing in the background.

During the drive Blade asked the usual questions TV parents sometimes ask in a high pitched voice like 'how was your day' 'did you make friends' how were lessons or 'you should make study friends' and so on. Y' know the type of questions that annoy kids if not make then embarrassed.

The others kept on threatening of Blade continued they would jump out of the car and call the cops in him as they banged their heads on the windows.

A few minutes later and we had finally arrived back home. As soon as we stepped through the building, the twins dropped their bags at the door way, Blade headed upstairs and Xander headed to the kitchen.

Since I had no homework seeing as it was the first day I followed Blade's lead and went upstairs to my room.

I changed into more comfortable clothes and tried to some sleep but it was hot and I felt uncomfortable so I got out of bed and decided to head to the gaming room since I barely spend any time there.

Now, I am in no way a gamer. I mean the whole game world takes a lot of dedication and concentration that I do not have an ounce of in my body but I still like gaming once in a while and its extremely hilarious watching people game in this house.

I mean its nice seeing people getting agitated while playing and being shoved and elbowed in the face and I especially enjoy the trash talking (even though I can't trash talk for shit). Its also kinda nice sitting in the gaming chairs.

Back to the point.....What was the point?.. Oh yeah. I never really hang out in any of the other rooms and gaming is fun. Yep. Oh yeah and I appreciate all gamers in the world.

Getting out of my room I made NY way to the kitchen and got some snacks and sodas. I found Xander there and asked if he wanted to join but he refused saying that he was tired.

Shrugging it off, I made my way to the gaming room.

We spent maybe 3 hours there with me egging in the guys and making them fight and increase the trash talking with me letting out the occasional 'ooohs and ouchs.'

Overall this is one of the best first days I've ever had. I hope nothing too bad happens.

Hello guys. So what's up with you.

Anyway I just wanted to inform you guys that I won't be updating during April because I'll most likely be back at boarding school. Which pretty much sucks but I'll get over it.

I also wanted to tell that I appreciate all the support you have given me even though the book is slightly sucky its still my baby of sorts.

Favourite games?

Hope you have a wonderful day or night wherever you are💜💜💜

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