Chapter 3

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I opened the doors and entered the hallway and I was completely ignored by everyone. Nah. Jk. This is what actually happened.

"Hey everyone, look the bitch's arrived." Someone in the hallway said. I sighed silently to myself before laughing erupted around the hallway.
If you hadn't noticed, I'm what one would call emotionless. That's why I don't react to any of their bullshit.

I walked down the hallway towards my locker listening to the insults people threw at me. Most people would ignore them but we've recently discovered I'm not like most people.
* slut*
*ugly ass whore*

And so on were thrown at me. I would be lying if I said a part of me didn't care. But that was 1%, the other 99% is raising my middle fingers to the haters.

When I finally reached my locker I saw that there was a large crowd surrounding it. I shoved my way through the crowd and saw a note taped on it. It said
*Theirs no need to commit suicide unless your the girl in the hoodie.*
*kill yourself already.*
*No one likes u*

Ha, they didn't even no my name.

When I finished reading it, I saw everyone laughing. I tore it off my locker, folded neatly and kept it. Someone might call it a memento of sorts.

"Hey bitch." Sarah said. She's main cheerleader of the school, a real bitch and hates me a lot. She's a really pretty girl with brown hair and brown eyes but her personality is hideous. She hates me a lot although I don't know why but everyone else hates me too so there is no difference. She's always trying to get a reaction out of me.

Mental note|download Everybody Hate Me by the Chainsmokers|

"Answer me bitch."she said angrily.
Since I didn't want to play her game I was about to walk away from her before she harshly pulled my arm back and slammed my head on the locker.

I hate when people touch me without my permission because it reminds me of John, so I quickly got ahold of her neck and slammed her into the locker not enough to cause an injury but  enough to cause some pain and said in a cold voice that made her flinch"Don't touch me"

I made a second attempt to leave but before I could, Sarah said in an angry and slightly scared voice" Oh hell no." and got out her pocket knife and slit my arm. She looked shocked by her action and dropped the knife. The hallway also looked frozen in shock.

She said in a panicked voice "I'm sorry I didn't- with tears brimming in her eyes which were 100% fake before I interrupted her by laughing maniacally and said in cold calm voice that made everybody in the hallway pale and freeze in fear"You will be if you mess with me again." and picked the knife from the floor and held it with a murderous glint in my eyes before going to my first period.
  ~~Time skip~~
After the incident in the hallway I went to the bathroom to wash the blood away from the knife and my arm before using a piece of gauze that I keep in my bag to cover my arm and traded my sleeveless hoodie for my long sleeved black hoodie.

I was currently in my 3rd period. Ever since the incident in the hallway, people have been staring at me with fear in their eyes and keeping far away from me which was totally okay with me.

The teacher was droning on with the lesson while I was basking in the fear. They deserved it but it wasn't like I was gonna do anything to them. They probably think I'm a psycho.

My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the intercom
"Alexandra Lockheart  to
the principal's office." I saw everyone around the class trying to figure out who Alexandra Lockheart was.

When I stood up, everybody gasped and started whispering. It got irritating so I snapped at them" Shut the fuck up." I am not in a good mood today.

I made my way to the administration room and the secretary informed the principal of my arrival before telling me to go in while looking at me in sympathy. I ignored her and made my way to the principal's office.

What I didn't realize was that my life was about to change

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