Chapter 18

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"I-I- I'M GONNA SWING FROM THE CHANDELIER." I sang loudly while my whole world was upside down.

"GET DOWN FROM THERE." I heard someone yell.

Why you yellin'? Why the fuck you always yelling?

"No, no , no stick to the stuff you know!!" I sang.

After the family Netflix shows and movies marathon we all headed back to our rooms because it was time for our curfew according to Noah.

Today was actually our very first interaction together but I didn't get too much information on him.

I found out that he likes veggie pizza, his favourite movie is °Insidious°, he's a bookworm and Liam's second in command when it comes to taking care of the family. Oh and that he's allergic to cats.

Its not a lot of info but it's all that I have. I also managed to have a short conversation with him.

Now I'm in the bathroom changing into my PJs. After I'm done changing, I brush my teeth and splash some water on my face before I head to bed.

I managed to sleep for about 4 hours before I felt something wrong with my stomach. I got up and went to the bathroom and saw that my pants were stained with blood.

"Shit" I whispered before getting a pad and changing out of my clothes.

I remember the first time I got my period. I was 10 years old and I was left alone in the house and I thought I was pissing blood in my pants before I realised what it was. Good thing the school gave out sanitary pads the previous week.

Not my brightest moment.

I went back to my room and turned on the lights and started checking the sheets for any stains. When I found none, I decided to head downstairs to get some snacks.

I went to the kitchen and found some muffins and they were so good. I was only planning on eating one but I decided to have 2 more before I went back to bed and took one sleeping pill.
It was 9:44 am when I woke up for the second time. I showered and brushed my teeth and before I decided what I was going to wear.

I decided to style my hair for once instead of leaving it out and decide to dress in a black  cropped shirt and cameo print joggers 'A bit out of my comfort zone but who cares' and went down stairs skipping.

I decided to style my hair for once instead of leaving it out and decide to dress in a black  cropped shirt and cameo print joggers 'A bit out of my comfort zone but who cares' and went down stairs skipping

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Ignore the sunglasses and shoes

When I reached the kitchen, everybody except Noah because he had left for work earlier was staring at me like I was eating a bag of faeces.

"What?" I snapped glaring at them.

"Nothing. You just look different." Hayden said.

"I look pretty right?" I asked enthusiastically with a big fake smile on my face as I made my way over to the counter and grabbed one of the knives.

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