Chapter 13

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I got up from my seat and started walking out of the kitchen before Xander asked me if we could hang out.

I didn't really want to hang out with people because hanging out leads to caring about people and I can't afford to care but I really like talking with Xander. Ugh. This is why I hate feelings.

"Sure." I said. I mean its not like I have anything better to do.

I followed 'dad' to wherever the DNA test was going to be carried out. I didn't think that they would actually call a doctor to take the DNA test. It was more of a figure of speech but I guess they took it literally.

I kept on following 'dad' to what appears to be his home office. It was pretty spacious and it had a woodsy vibe to it. (A/n: Again super sorry I suck at descriptions)

'Dad' walked over to one of the couches in the office and sat down. I sat a few inches further from him on the couch. I didn't really want to sit close to him but not too far away to make it seem like I didn't want to be here although I really didn't.

I didn't really know what to do so I just looked around the room while 'dad' got out his phone and started texting someone. I continued looking around the room and saw that there were a bunch of picture around the room.

There were pictures of 'mom' and 'dad' together but they weren't smiling. They had this kind of look that said 'I'm gonna shoot you in the face if you breathe near me'. They had They type of look that could make someone piss in their pants. They looked like a power couple kinda like Cookie and Luscious from Empire.

The other pictures were of the whole family. There were only two or three pictures where the whole family was smiling. The rest of the pictures had them blank faced.

As I continued looking around, I noticed a family portrait that include everyone when they were younger.
It was the whole family but they were way younger and grinning like they had no worries in the world. What had me shocked was that I was in the portrait and I looked happy.

I looked away from the portrait and stared at the floor like it was the most interesting thing in the world. I felt slightly annoyed and jealous at the girl in the portrait. She had everything while I had nothing.

5 minutes had passed and it was incredibly awkward. I can handle silence but its like the presence of a person makes it more awkward. If I could trade places with the someone else right now, I would do it in a heartbeat.

"So..." 'Dad' said awkwardly. I guess I'm not the only one who finds this awkward.

"So" I said. I really wish I was somewhere else right now.

"How are you?" He asked.

Seriously. 'How are you' is what he asked. It sounds like a question from Google. Next he'll probably ask how the weather is.

"Fine and you?" I asked.

"Fine." He replied.

We fell into silence again. After two minutes a man in came into the room with a bunch of  medical supplies.

"Thank God." 'Dad' and I mumbled at the same time.

The doctor later introduced himself as Dr Alvarez. After the introduction were done, the doctor started taking our samples. He took strands of our hair and saliva and blood.

The drawing of the blood was slightly irritating. Its not like I get disgusted by blood or anything. Its just that I have a strong hatred for needles ever since John took me to the Facility.

It seems that they needed the test to be 100% accurate because the other samples weren't that necessary. I think.

After taking our samples, 'dad' and Dr Alvarez got out of the room to discuss privately. Dr Alvarez was 6'2 and had brown eyes, brown hair and tanned skin. He was also married and had two daughters from what he told me.

'Dad' and Dr Alvarez came back in the room after 10 minutes. Dr Alvarez told us that hell have the results back in three days and to be patient. After that he bid us goodbye and left.

'Dad' and I stayed in the office for a few minutes before he dismissed me. I had never been more relived in my whole life. Its not like he's a bad person. Its more of a 'I hate people' situation.

I left the office and mad my way to the bedroom hall. I hesitated on whether to go Xander's room or not.

I did want to hang out but what if he hangs out with me and realises that I'm the most boring and irritating person ever. Wait, why am I even worried? I don't care what people think about me. OK, maybe I do but still.

I knocked on his door and waited for a few seconds but no one came so I decided to go to my room. I walked into my room to find Xander seated on my bed with a bunch of chocolates, soda and Pringles.

"What are you doing here?" I asked slightly shocked from seeing all those snacks.

"Hanging out. Isn't it obvious." He replied in a duh tone.

Before I could sit on my bed, Xander grabbed my hand and the snacks before dragging me out of my room and leading us to the movie room.

I felt slightly uncomfortable with Xander holding my hand and tried removing it but Xander held on tighter and kept on dragging me.  I decided to push my discomfort aside and let Xander hold my hand.

He set up the movie and we spent he rest of the day watching a bunch of animations.

We started off with Minions and ended with Boss Baby. When we  watched Boss Baby, Xander asked me what kind of baby I thought he was. For a moment I wondered what kind of baby I was before I realised that baby Corp doesn't exist.

"Probably a gamer baby. Not sure." I replied. Hell, I didn't even know if a gamer baby existed or not because this was my first time watching a movie.

"Have you ever had melted chocolate and popcorn?" Xander asked.

"Not really." I replied.

As soon as I said that Xander got out of his seat and paused the movie before running out of the movie room.

I almost whined because he paused on the part where boss baby was teaching Tim how to ride a bicycle. I slowly got out of my seat and was about to unpause the movie when Xander shouted warning me not to

I begrudgingly made my way back to my seat and waited for Xander to come back. He came back after 2 minutes with a bucket of popcorn and melted chocolate.

He resumed the movie and poured the merited chocolate all over the popcorn and ate. I was a bit hesitant on eating it but then I was like YOLO.

I ate it was amazing. I'm pretty sure other people would find it disgusting but it was amazing to me.

That's how we spent the rest of our time together. We watched a bunch of movie animations while eating snacks and drinking soda.

Teen Titans or Spongebob?

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