Chapter 7

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I'm having slight problems with verifying my account but I'll try to respond to you in the commentsI'm very grateful that you're reading my book and I'll try to make it better.
Previously on *Everybody hates Alex*
I recently found out that my whole life is a lie. Basically I have a mother, father and brothers that I never knew about, my abusive stepfather is dead, my arm got slit by a psycho cheerleader, I got to fly in a private jet, my birth giver isn't really my birth giver. Yeah, that's pretty much all that happened yesterday.

Quick flashback to yesterday
After my quick laughing session, I asked Jade to tell me where the bathroom was. After she told me where it was I got up and entered it.
It had a shower, sink and toilet that was bigger than the bathroom back at the house.

I stripped out of my clothes and showered. I used cold water because that's what I deserve but I didn't mind. I got used to it.

When I was done, I cleaned my arm got dressed in my clothes and went back and sat in my seat before falling in a dreamless 2 hour sleep before it turned into a nightmare and I woke up.

Ace's POV
After we told Alex that Nancy wasn't her mom, she just started laughing.
It was the kind sick people make when they were hammering their enemies fingers and listening to them scream and beg for mercy.

She honestly looked crazy. I think that she'll fit into the family perfectly.

A part of me expected her to cry. I mean it must be overwhelming to find out your mother isn't your mother and that you had 8 brothers you didn't know about is pretty hard to deal with.

I would've been more than happy to kill Nancy for taking my little sister from us but I have a feeling my mum would be disappointed in me.

After she finished her laughing session, she said 'OK' in a monotone voice and asked Jade where the bathroom was and left.

Her eyes were blank. I couldn't tell what her face was showing because of that stupid hoodie. I'm pretty sure her face would be blank too.

I looked at Jade and saw she was already looking at me.
"She's not the same little girl I remember." Jade said in a sad voice.
I sighed silently and looked at where Alex was seating "Yeah." I said in a small voice.

Just because my line of work isn't the same as everyone else doesn't mean that I don't care about my family.

Family is the most important thing in the business and finding out that they betrayed you hurts worse than being burnt alive.

After a couple of minutes, she came back and stayed.

I went to the bathroom, showered and slept.

Its been a long day.

Alexandra's POV
I woke up from a nightmare and stayed awake staring at Jade and Ace while they were sleeping which some people might consider slightly creepy.

My nightmares are bad but not bad enough for me to wake up screaming.

The very bad ones occur at specific times and they last even when I'm awake.

I realised that it was getting kinda creepy staring at people sleeping so I just turned my head and watched the clouds.

Its fascinating how the world can be beautiful and ugly at the same time.

I needed to know what the people back at school thought about me so I took out my phone and went on °PTSBA°. Odd name but it has a meaning. Some of the nerds back in Michigan (where I was previously living) created an app. Its basically like Twitter and Instagram but for shaming me.

°PTSBA° basically stands for 'People That Shouldn't Be Alive'
Its basically for people to tell me to die orkill myself, some memes of they are bored and  new torture themes.

The app isn't found everywhere and that's the beauty of it. Its only accessible to people that are in the school and me.

I got up from my seat and walked away from Jade and Ace and got my phone and turned off my airplane mode.

They found out that John was dead and posted some comments. I didn't have the time to check the accounts. The comments basically said

luv"Omg did u hear that the bitch's dad is dead"

Goodvibez"She deserves it"

Sarah"She probably killed him. She's a little psycho."

KarenW"Ew, orphan."

Bhadbish @ Sarah "lmao"

Those were some of the comments that were posted. I hated that I always need to be reminded of where I stand but I hated myself more.

I sighed to myself and put my phone on airplane mode again before switching it off and making my way to my seat and closing my eyes trying to get some sleep.

I only slept for 2 hours before I woke up and went to the bathroom and showered and cleaned my cut.

I put on my grey hoodie and some black jeans and made my way back.
I woke up Jade and told her that it was almost time for the plane to land.

"OK, so why are you awake?"She asked.
"I couldn't sleep." I responded.
"OK, I'm gonna go shower." She said.
"You know that its fine if you want to cry, right? We're not gonna judge you." She added after a minute.
"Yeah." was all I could come up with.

After that I made my way back to my seat and woke up Ace.

"Hey, why are you awake and where's Jade?" He asked slightly confused with a morning voice.
"I'm not tired and she went to shower." I responded.

We made some conversation. Ace seemed nice but its not worth getting close to him because he'll just be disgusted by me when he finds out about my past or sell me off to a rich friend of his to save his sinking company.

Just a thought.

Jade came back from her shower and we started talking while Ace went to shower.

After a few minutes, we landed and got out of the jet. 

"Welcome to Miami." Ace said or more like shouted excitedly.

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