Chapter 2

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I wake up from my short hour nap to go and make breakfast and quickly check my phone to see that its 4:32a.m. You thought I didn't have a phone didn't you. I mean I may not have the ideal life but I still need my phone to survive.

Obviously John would never buy me a phone because he's scared of what  I might do like call the police.

I would do that if I was an imbecile but I'm not so I won't besides its not like the police would actually help me. They are just as sick as that son of a bitch. I tried telling the police about what John did to Nancy but they didn't believe me and I got the worst beating of my life.

I am quite smart for my age like college smart but I know I would just end up with broken bones and no fingers, so why take the risk?

I made my way out of the attic and to the kitchen and started making breakfast for him which is what he eats for breakfast everyday. Scrambled eggs,2 pancakes, 2bacon strips and a glass of orange juice.

He eats that every single day. One day when I only made one pancake because the eggs were over he freaked out. I remember that day clearly.

I had finished setting the table when John entered the kitchen. He had a frown on his face when he saw that there was only 1 pancake on his plate.

"What is this?" He asked
"Your food sir. I apologise but the eggs got over before I made the second pancake."I replied.
"Are you fucking stupid or what?"he asked.
"You expect me to eat like a fucking barbarian."he said raising his voice slightly. 'Fucking over dramatic' I had thought, apparently I said that out loud because he slammed my head onto the table before dragging me to the bathroom and dunking my head in the water 5 times before slapping me across the face.
Flashback over

I shook my head getting rid of those thoughts and headed to the bathroom to wash away the blood. After I took my shower, I put on a black sleeveless hoodie that covered my face and a pair of black jeans before heading back to the attic.

I like wearing hoodies because they provide me with darkness that engulfs me and hides me away from the outside world. I could be considered pretty if l didn't have slap marks or people told me I was but they make me feel like a hideous creature besides if no one wants to see me I won't be seen.

I grab my phone and hide it in my backpack before stealing an apple from my secret stash and leaving the house. I walk for about 10 minutes before getting my bicycle. The school is 1 hour away from the house. It would take 30 minutes to reach if i was going by car.
~Time skip~
I finally arrive at my destination.
°Sun View Highschool°
You would expect it to be filled with sunny characters that are nice and polite that would be true if we lived in a bullshit world but since we live in the real world it is nothing like that.

The school has 2 blocks. Block A is for middle schoolers while Block B is for high schoolers. The school isn't that large and its not that small either it somewhere in between. It looks nice from the outside but the inside is full of sick disgusting people.

Now to the part I dreaded for so long but I can't stall it anymore. Inside the school is like a battlefield. I could easily kill everyone there but its better to make them think that they have power over you. In the end, you come out as some badass villain and destroy all of then as they bleed out and beg for mercy. At least that's what I hope happens.

The school is run by power. So the social board is Cheerleader and Jocks, Honor students, Nerds, Loners and Freak. I'm sure u can guess where I belong. °Freak°
Its a special category because theirs only one member. Me.
The difference between my category and everyone else's is that I'm alone and bullied more than the rest.

I don't enjoy my category but at least I don't have to worry about backstabbing bitches, fake friends and all that bullshit. I do have to worry about suicide notes in my locker, whispers and stares, insults, threats, kicks, slaps and punches nothing I'm not used to. That's just how life works.

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