Chapter 25

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This goes out to the badass females out their trying their hardest⬆⬆⬆

School. The place that most kids are forced to go to even though all they want to do is just lay in bed and hopefully never wake up unless there's food or good to TV or it could be known also known as a hellhole but hey, that's just me.

Now Google would probably give you a more accurate explanation but we'll just go with mine.

My genuine strong dislike for school is mostly because I didn't have the ideal experience. Classes weren't fun or remotely interesting, I was bullied, I was friendless and going from home to school was like escaping from one prison just to enter another and the teachers weren't the best but I didn't hate them. I should've hated them for not trying to save me when I should have.

I simply disliked them because they didn't care. They didn't even bother to make sure someone understood half the nonsense that was coming out of their mouths.

I'm not what someone would call the smartest nor am I the dumbest person but I am pretty sure if I wasn't scared of getting my legs beaten with a crowbar I would be pretty behind in most of my classes.

I'm pretty sure I passed because of luck, not that I am complaining.

So... not exactly the best experience in the world but hopefully this time round of will be different.

I'll have enough money to get actual food during lunch, I could join a club or something,I could even try to branch out and make friends and if that doesn't workout I'll be my own friend. Its not like I haven't before.

The days following my talk went something like this leading up to this morning.

I was taken to get a checkup at some clinic. I found out that I had gained a bit more weight and I grew slightly taller so that's good for me.

It was probably the healthiest I had ever been in my whole life.

The next day was spent packing all of our textbooks, pens, notebooks etc in our bags and picking out our outfits for school because first impressions matter and all that stuff.

I had spent maybe 30 minutes looking for an outfit before settling for some black ripped jeans, red Nike's, a black tank top and a white jumper.

Monday morning finally arrived meaning that it was time to go to school. Yaay.

Beee beep. Beee beep. Beee beep.

That was the sound of the alarm that I had set up for 4:55am started blaring through the eerily dark room before I banged on it and it stopped.

I had thought about setting up one on my phone but I realised that was a bad idea seeing as I would most likely break it or throw it at the wall.

Reluctantly leaving my warm precious bed, I headed to the bathroom and brushed my teeth before taking a quick shower and got dressed and sprayed some perfume and deodorant.

After I was done, I got my backpack and made my way downstairs.

It was currently 6:24 am and seeing as four of my brothers are most likely getting dressed or have just woken up and the other two had already left for work, I decided to reheat some leftovers from yesterday's dinner as breakfast for us.

5 minutes passed and the microwave let out a tiny ding. By now only one of brothers had arrived and it was Blade.

"BREAKFAST!!" I yelled.

"COMING." came a reply from one of the twins.

2 minutes later everybody was trying to shove as much food into their mouths before heading to the garage.

The journey to the school was filled with a lot more chatter and music than usual and Blade hadn't made any snide remarks which was extremely concerning.

I'm guessing they did this because they thought that I'd be nervous today so they tried not to stress me out which was very sweet but completely unnecessary.

Don't get me wrong I'm freaking out and pretty much imagining how everything could go wrong. Like, I could accidentally call a teacher mum or I could get stuck in the toilet or I could forget my name or I could bump into somebody and start a full on war etc. Great, now I can't stop thinking about everything that's going to go wrong.

Forcibly shaking my head to get rid of those thoughts, I slowly got my phone out and started watching movie trailers to try and distract myself.

Obviously my attempts were in vain.

I felt a hand on my knee to stop it from bouncing and looked up and saw Jayden holding it as he kept on fighting with Blade about his 'shit taste' in music.

We finally arrived at school. Jayden, Hayden and Xander getting out of the car.

"Have a great day. Now get out of my car." Blade said.

"Bye." I slammed the door before walking over where the guys were.

Finding my locker wasn't as hard as it was supposed to be seeing as I had gotten a tour and knew where I was going plus it kinda helped that my locker was near Xander's and we shared almost all our classes.

Time skip because I'm to lazy to think of something

Classes went by fairly quick and before I knew it was already lunch time.

Nothing very special happened. It was the basic introduction of 'hi, my name is blah blah...…' and then choosing a sit at the back of the class and forcing myself to pay attention seeing as I have a low attention span.

I did meet someone who gave me an odd vibe seeing as I barely knew her and she slung her arm around my shoulders as if I was her best friend.

Cora was her name. A girl with dyed silver hair, brown eyes and slightly tanned skin that invited me to sit with her during lunch.

So far no one had come to threaten me to stay away form certain people and overall called me a bitch. I would say that we are off to a great start.

Helllooo. Happy Women's Day.

Thank you all for supporting my book. I am honestly so grateful to all of you.

Sorry for the short chapter.

Favourite supervillain?

Hope you have a wonderful day or night wherever you are.💜💜💜

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