Chapter 19

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Blade's POV😈👻😘
Previously on Lexi's crazy adventures. Last time we were here she was high as a kite but as of right now she's dealing with the after affects.

Anyway after Noah asked us to explain what happened, my siblings snitched on me. Haven't they ever heard the saying 'Snitches get stitches and wind up in ditches and are annoying little bitches'? Obviously not.😑. Annoying mfs.

"Explain." Liam said with no expression. Why do they do that? I get that they are mafia dudes and shit but its annoying af.

"OK. She ate a few of my muffins and became slightly high but it wasn't my fault. I left a sticky note that said not to touch but she ignored it."

After I was done explaining, all my siblings rolled their eyes at me at my excuse.

"You're grounded." Noah declared making me groan.

"What, why?" I asked confused. I told the truth. Isn't the truth supposed to set me free and all that crap. Apparently no because I got grounded in the end.  Grounded.

"Are you serious right now?" Ace asked incredulously widening his eyes. He kind of reminded me of this fly I saw in Math class.

"Chill, I was kidding." I said. Overdramatic b.

For my punishment, I had to go three weeks without my electronics and wash everyone's laundry and dishes while the others were probably laughing at my misery.

At least Axel's motorcycle privileges were taken away for a month. Who has it worse? Still me cause I have to do laundry. Kill me now. Not literally.

This is just bullshit. It wasn't even my fault. OK, maybe it was but who cares.

Well, now that your all caught up with my shit.......byeeee.👋

Alexandra's POV😀🔪😀
I am so 'shitted' right now. Is that even a word? Eh, who cares? I kinda want to scream 'shitted' now. Maybe I could make a song.

Before my thoughts became any weirder I ran to the bathroom and puked my guts out.

My mouth was left with the bitter after taste. When i was done, I got up,  brushed my teeth and used some red mouthwash before I exited the bathroom.

"I bet you feel like shit right now." Blade said grinning at me.

"Why are you here?" I asked. I didn't have the patience to deal with his shit today.

"Aww. Dearest housemate, you wound me." He said dramatically  clutching his chest.

"Go away." I said after rolling my eyes at him.

"Here. Ace forced me to bring up your soup." He said before shoving the soup into my hands.

"You smell." He said after a few seconds of silence passed by.

"Don't you have laundry to do or something?" I said tired of his presence.

"Oh fuck off." He said scowling at me before he made his way out of my room.

"Bye." I said slamming my door shut before I dove straight for my bed.

I was starting to slowly drift off to sleep after several hours of trying when someone barged into my room and started bouncing on my bed.

I groaned into my pillow before pushing the person off my bed and sighing in satisfaction after I heard a thud followed by silence.

Thankfully, the person got the message to 'get the fuck out' because he left my room.

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