Chapter 10

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Valentina's POV

    One week. One whole week that I've tried ignoring him; which was hard considering I'm his teacher. But I did, making sure to avoid his eyes during class and leaving before he could say anything to me.

I stared at my reflection in the mirror, taking note of the bags under my tired eyes. Father had been working us to the maximum this week. Container after container, boring meetings after meeting. "I want to make my empire bigger, stronger," he said. It was already big enough, he was just a greedy fucking bastard. But who was I to say anything. The last person who disobeyed his orders no longer has fingers, and I like my fingers so I keep my mouth shut.

Taking a deep breath, I exited the teachers bathroom without worry of seeing him; knowing that it was class time and no one would be around. Drying my hands, I speed walked to my next class, only to be pulled abruptly into an empty classroom.

Involuntarily, years of training kicked in and on instinct I twisted the arm behind it's back and placed my forearm behind the person's head.

"Jesus Christ Ms. Walker, it's me, Giovanni," the voice hissed. My eyes widened, letting him go immediately. He took the arm, rubbing over it with the other.
"Where did you learn to do that?"

"I took classes when I was younger, why'd you pull me into an empty classroom?" I asked, folding my arms.

"Why are you avoiding me?" he fired back.

"I'm not avoiding--"

"Ms. Walker, you don't even look at me in class anymore. What am I supposed to think?"

Sighing, I sat on a stool in the class. "It's Valentina when were alone. And I don't think we should continue to talk to each other, unless it's school related."

"Valentina," he voiced, my name rolling off of his very talented tongue like butter, "I like it." Trying not to squeeze my legs together, I spoke. "Yeah, now that we've established that this is not happening, I'll be going--"

"What isn't happening? This is very much happening, Valentina. Now, I'd like to take you on a date," he said, stepping closer.

Quickly searching for an excuse, I said, "I'm really busy this week, I have a lot of stuff to do." Seeing right through my lie, he stepped between my legs, putting one hand on my thigh and the other on the back of my neck.

"Sure you do, so when can I pick you up?" he said, caressing my thigh, fingers drawing lazy circles on my exposed thigh.

"I didn't say we were going anywhere," I said, trying to control my breathing. He chuckled at my stubbornness, a smile adorning his handsome face.

"New idea, how about we both skip school tomorrow and take the day for ourselves?" he suggested.

"No, not possible. I can't just--"
Pressing his now evident hard on against my damp crotch, he pulled my head closer, nose to nose. Thumb moving across my bottom lip, his long eyelashes framed his equally amazing eyes as he stared at me.

My mind became hazy, and I wish I could control what came out of my mouth next. "Sure, I could always miss a day."

Triumph shone in his eyes as he let go of me and kissed me on my nose. "Good, where should I pick you up?"

"Give me your phone," I asked, biting my lip. He pulled it out of his back pocket, unlocking it and placing it in my outstretched hand. Entering my number into his phone, I saved my name and number.

"Text me around eight and I'll tell you the address," I said, sliding off of the stool and towards to door. "See you tomorrow, Valentina."

Holding the door, I spun around. "Sure thing, Giovanni," and walked away, hoping that I made the right choice.

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