Chapter 17

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Was watching a show with my Christian aunt and a lesbian couple came up, had to sit and listen to her spew homophobic shit when all I wanted to do is scream "I like girls!" and see her reaction. Anyway, proceed.

Valentina's POV

      Yesterday was the definition of hectic, the pounding in my head reminded me of that. And the noises in the background definitely weren't helping. "Okay guys, calm down," I said, not raising my voice but talking loud enough so they could hear me, "we'll be having a new student today."

Giovanni tried to catch my eyes more than once, but my guilt wouldn't let me. "She will be here in a moment or two, but in the meanwhile let's catch up on what we learned last week."

Giovanni raised his hand. "Val-", he stopped himself, "Ms Walker? Can I talk to you for a minute, please?"

I sighed nervously, "Can't it wait?"

His eyes hardened, piercing through mine. "It's of the utmost importance, so no."

"Sure, let's talk outside," I said, then turned to the class, "I'll be back, do not cause a ruckus," then walked out slowly, hoping he would change his mind.

The heavy footsteps behind me told me otherwise. When we were far enough from the sight of any passerby's, he pulled me into an empty room. "Why are you avoiding me again, Valentina? Did I do something wrong?" he voice heavy with solicitude, making my chest burn with regret.

"No, it's fine," I dismissed, hoping he would let it go. But he didn't. "I thought we were good, did something happen that I'm not aware of--"

He stopped abruptly, peering at me with a look of something in between a glare and a frown. "What the fuck is that?"

I let out a nervous chuckle, "What's what?"

He stepped closer, closing in on the space between us. My breath hitched as his hand turned my head to the side, his thumb pressing down on a certain spot. "There is a red spot on your neck, one that I did not put there."


I stayed silent, wishing the ground could just swallow me up. The tip of his tongue grazed his top lip, his jaw clenched in anger. His forefinger and thumb gripped my chin, forcing me to look into his eyes.

"I asked you a question, love. What the fuck is on your neck?"

"I--," I stuttered trying to come up with an excuse, but my derelict conscience disapproved. "I kissed another guy," I blurted out, my eyes squeezed shut as stepped back.

"Last night, and I don't know what came over me. I know we're not together official or anything but I like you so I don't know why I--"

He placed a thumb on my lips, bring my rambling to a halt. "Let's get something straight, Valentina," he said calmly, an edge of rage in his voice, "I'm a very possessive person, and I fucking hate sharing."

The air amid us grew thick with tension. "I like you, a lot. Which means I don't plan on sharing," he whispered, a sneaky hand grazing my neck.

My head was tilted up to meet his determined eyes, "So what you're going to do is be a good girl, and not do that again. Ever. Do I make myself clear?"

I gulped, a bead of sweat running down the middle of my back. "Yes."

"Perfect, now let's get to class."


Three hours of standing and talking to a bunch of somewhat mature adolescents made my headache worsen. I could not wait to get this day over with.

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