Chapter 24

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Valentina's POV


I felt empty. It was only a few hours after everything had gone down, and I missed him. Pathetic, I know. The previous events had been swirling around in my head from it happened. Azeil kept me informed on what was going on, and thankfully Gabe was okay.

 So was Lucy. My worry for him had overridden my nerves, so I asked Azeil to go back for him. He obviously could not be kept t Azeil's, so he was staying with my mother for the time. And being the revengeful person my father was, he re-did the favour Angelo ordered. He burnt down the DeLuca's house, from every room to the very garden. And yes, I was happy about it. 

Angelo was currently being held by my father, and boy, I could not wait for this pain spell to wear off before giving him a taste of his own medicine. Giovanni, on the other hand, could not be found. A part of me was glad, but the other part wanted him to be here. 

Azeil cut my thoughts short as he cleared his throat. "Would you like anything to eat, or drink?"
I simply shook my head no in response. I paused, staring at him with a small, grateful smile. "I never got to thank you for what you did. I appreciate it."

He chuckled, taking a seat beside me on the sofa; carefully avoiding my wounded leg. "It's no problem, really." 

I sat there for a moment taking in his features. "You are honestly so sweet, how are you single?"
He only stared at me bemusedly, "I choose to be. A relationship is the last thing on my mind right now. How about you? If you don't mind me asking." 

I shook my head, propping my feet cautiously on a cushion. "I was in a....relationship, but I guess not anymore."

"What happened?"

I sighed, leaning my head back. "He lied, a big one too. I feel used, you know? But I guess that's life, people will always fuck you over."

"I'm sorry to hear that. Did you love him?"

And tears brimmed my eyes, ready to fall out as I heard his question; but I just laughed it off instead. "You have no idea how much." At least I could say that I tried, but the salty liquid dropped down my cheeks anyway. 

Azeil looked at me with concern, before offering me his arms. "Do you want a hug? I'll help a little." I nodded my head yes, I needed someone to hold on to. He was warm and felt homey. My face pressed into his chest, taking in the sweet lavender scent of his clothing.  His hands held me softly as a curled up on the sofa, half of my body on him. 


Despite the pain I was feeling physically and emotionally, I got up and got ready with a burst of determination. A sleepy Azeil greeted me as I popped up in the kitchen. His eyes wandered over my clothed form, wondering where the hell I was going. "You are aware that you should be resting, right?"

I shrugged off his rhetorical question, reaching for the coffee pot. "Yes, but I have errands to carry out. And I'll need to borrow your car as well, please."


"And no, you will not be able to change my mind," I interrupted, bringing the cup of hot liquid to my lips. He sighed, reaching over to the wall to fetch the keys. Sliding them across the counter, he stood there, staring at me. I placed the half cup of coffee on the counter before acting up the keys.

"Thanks again, for everything. Really." I smiled, remembering how he somehow took my mind off of everything last night by talking about any and everything. And watching the Mulan after. He walked forward to envelop me in a hug, giving me a friendly kiss on my cheek, both that I return happily. "Be safe, okay?"

Acknowledging his concern with a nod, I headed for my parents' house. 

Within half an hour time, I reached my destination. The area was secluded, I had passed a few houses and drove a mile before reaching; my parents enjoyed their space. Photos of Gabe and I lined the walls, from our first day at school to when we graduated college. 

A happy giggle led me to the kitchen, where I saw my mother and Lucy around the island with aprons. Lucy's little eyes lit up as he saw me, and I bent down to receive his hug. "Hey there little guy, how are you feeling?"

His cheeks spread wide with an excited smile. "Aunt Eleanore and I are baking cookies, so I'm happy. I love cookies." My mom and I shared a smile.

I ran my hand through his hair then kissed his forehead, "That's amazing, Luce. I have something to take care of, but make sure to leave some for me, okay?" 

"Okay! I'll make sure to leave enough for everybody," then skipped back to where he was before, dipping a finger into the dough earning a scolding look from my mom. Shaking my head, I continued to what I came here for. 

I greeted Uncle Gary before stepping up the familiar stairs. Knocking once on the brown door that stood between me and my father's office, I waited and entered once I heard the affirmation to go in. And as soon as he told me to sit down and gave me that look, I knew what was coming. 

"You let your guard down, Valentina. How could you have been so careless?" He glared at me in anger, alluding to my relationship with Giovanni which Angelo probably told him about to piss him off. 

"I'm my own woman Father, I can do whatever the hell I want. And what I want is to not have this conversation, and for you to tell me where that asshole is," I growled, anger seeping into my voice. He looked irritated, "Don't think this conversation is over as yet, he's in the shed out back."

I rolled my eyes at his irritation, knowing it would be a long time before he let this go. A shot up and practically bounced on my way to the shed, I could not wait to see him. The door creaked as I shoved it open, taking in the area. It was moderately sized and used when my father had to resort to...different measures to get what he wanted. 

My eyes drifted to a figure sagging in a chair in the centre of the room. I could control the rage that poured over me at the sight. Rolling up the long-sleeved shirt to my elbows, picked up a pair of clothes gloves with iron embedded into the knuckle area; pulling them on. The sound of my shoes echoing against the walls woke him. I smiled, seeing the bruises that decorated his face. 

"Hello again, Angelo," I smiled, enjoying the look of pure terror on his face. He quickly covered it up, or he tried to, as I walked closer. My hands skimmed over the different tools on the iron table beside him. I clapped my hands together excitingly, grabbing up a knife from said table. "How about we start off with something simple?" I trailed the tip of the knife from his chest to the exact area where he had stabbed me, "how about right here, hm?" 

The sweet sound of his pain-filled screams made me laugh, pushing deeper. "Music to my fucking ears, this is. Now, let's look at what is next." He suddenly laughed, wincing through the pain. "Do you really think I'll break this easily, girl?"

Tilting my head to the side, I took up a plier into my hand. I perched myself on his lap, gripping his hair with brute force, staring emotionlessly into his eyes. "I know that, and that's why I plan to carry out my promise. I'm going to fuck you up so bad you'll beg for me to end you," I paused bringing the plier up to his cheek, tapping it roughly, "but I won't, I'll keep you alive as long as possible until I feel like you've gotten what you've deserved." 

Bringing his head back, I forced open his lips with the tool; capturing a tooth with it. And maybe it was a bit psychopathic, but the terror on his face made me happy, "I always keep my promises, Angelo."

And then I pulled. 

                                                                                 So, how are we?👀
                                  And on another unrelated note, my wisdom tooth is being a bitch. 

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