Chapter 20

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Suprise shawty!

Valentina's POV

I felt bad.

Two months had passed and Gio and I had been getting closer and closer. Although he had not asked me to officially be his woman, he had been dropping not so subtle hints for the past week or so.  And the fact that I was lying to him was tearing me apart. 

Maybe that's why I decided to come clean to him. Of course, I couldn't tell him everything, but I think the basis would suffice. I would tell him on our date tonight. The anxiety that sat on my chest prevented me from concentrating on anything but tonight.

 We were going back to the waterfall he to took me to last time, but it would be in the night instead of the day. With the basic essentials in my purse, I went out front to wait on him. Out front of Nolani's house, that is, which he still thought was mine. 

As I sat on the front porch of my best friend's house with Gio's thick hoodie equipping my body with warmth, I thought about all the possibilities that could happen. He could react indifferently or cut me off completely. Scenario after scenario tumbled around in my head at such a rate that I didn't realize the sleek car that had pulled up before me. 

"Val? Are you ready?" came his voice permeated with concern. I quickly threw on a pretended smile onto my face, not wanting to worry him further. 

"Yeah, let's go."

He was right, the view was way better in the night. The place was not as darker, as the glow of the moon illuminated the area. A large fluffy quilt with rainbow colours was lain down at the base of the waterfall, and my favourite foods were on it. 

My back was pressed against his chest, his arms around my waist and I could feel the soft 'thump-thump' of his heart, which somehow made my next statement less nerve-wracking. "Gio? I have something to tell you."

He sat up straighter before shushing me with a finger. "Me too, I want to go first," and pulled out a small gift box from his pocket. I looked from him to the box then him again, he chuckled. "Don't worry, I'm not proposing. Yet."

My eye opened up more, not sure how to feel about his words. He took out a silver cut necklace, a beautiful sapphire stone in the middle. "You seemed a bit distracted lately, so I thought I get you a little something to cheer you up," he shrugged nonchalantly, gesturing for me to come closer so he could place it around my neck. 

"Thank you, it's lovely," I said half-heartedly, still apprehensive.

"What did you want to tell me, again?"

Come on, Val. Stop being a wuss.

I took a deep breath before turning to him fully. "You see, my family runs, and I am most times a part of that business." 

He looked confused, probably wondering what I was getting at. "Good for them I guess."

"That's not all," I sighed, "the business isn't exactly legal, per se."

He rose a brow at my statement, "Ilegal? Like unethical illegal?"

"Try more guns and gang illegal. Like stealing stuff illegal."

"Valentina, I-," he stood up, running a hand through his hair that was dampened by the night's dew, "I don't know what to say, I certainly didn't expect this." He froze then looked at me, "You don't murder people, right?"

I guess my silence was good enough of an answer. He blew a breath through his nose, paling slightly. "Jesus Christ, Valentina. You could get years in jail for this!"

I stood up immediately, crossing my arms defensively. "I know that, but family is family; I can't let them down. And why the fuck are you reacting like this? I told you this because I trusted you."

He scoffed, a sarcastic look plastered onto his facial features. "I'm reacting like how any normal person would, should, react. Youre a criminal, Valentina. That's not something you just get over."

I can't believe this. Frustration getting the just of me, I took up my stuff and walked to his car. "You know what, just take me home." And no, he did not hesitate. Because for some reason, he was mad. 

We both sat in the car, silent, until I broke it. "I didn't think that it would come to this, but if you say anything to anyone I'll know. And I'll have to...hurt you, I'm sure neither of us wants that. So let's not do anything stupid, okay?"

Not waiting to see his reaction, I stepped out of the car and walked up to the house without looking back. It was minutes to four, so I tried to quietly sneak in as not to wake up Nolani. But being the isomaniac she was, her voice greeted me from the living room as soon I I put my foot on the first step. "Valentina Walker, where are you coming from this late, young lady?"

Knowing how she could get, I walked myself into the kitchen and took a seat. She had a cup of tea in her hands, blowing away the steam. "I went on a date with Giovanni, and it was awful."

"I'm guessing he took the news badly?"

I scoffed, "Badly? He freaked out!"

She gently placed the delicate piece of china down, before coming over to envelope me in a hug. "Don't let him stress you, okay? Get some sleep and we'll have a mini spa day tomorrow." 
I returned the warm gesture, then took her advice. 


The impromptu spa day didn't go as planned because one, I slept until three pm, and two, Nolani got busy. By some dick, and since Giovanni and I weren't on the same page; she informed me 'not to worry because she'll be getting enough for the both of us.'

And with the need to blow off some steam, I drove out to the safehouse. As I parked the car, I realized that the lights were off; which was odd because at least a handful of people were always there. A bit paranoid and a lot cautious, I took out the glock .45 that I usually kept in my car.

As silent as the night, I used my foot to push open the door before quickly switching all the lights. No one was there, or so I thought. Until I felt the barrel of another gun touch the back of my head.

"Ciao, Russo."



First of all, how are you guys? 

Make sure you ate and drank from morning hoe <3
And my lovely wife 
@MiaBSmith just published a new bomb ass book called 'Don't Be Shy.'

I reccommend🔥
Anywho, love y'all byeee💕

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