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Yes, I know it's been FOREVER. Sorry😭 (I also apologize for the cliche in this chapter😔)

Giovanni's POV

Breathing heavily, I rested my arms on my knees. Luckily, could pick out the license plate number, memorizing it. Getting Aziel on the phone, I told him what happened and the plate number; asking if he could identify who it was.

My eyes widened and I nearly dropped my phone when I heard the name.

What the fuck? How the fuck?


Why would he do that? I thought he disliked her, based on how he behaved towards her during class. I sat back n the car seat, I recalled what Aziel told me.

"He turned off the GPS and removed the license plate so it'll take a while for me to locate him. Don't do anything stupid."

Glancing up to what was supposedly Ollie's house according to his school record that I may or may not have stolen, I pulled up two houses away. The neighbourhood was quiet, the sound from my car filling the air. Expensive cars lined the sidewalk of each equally expensive looking house I passed.

The vehicle I had seen Ollie in last, the one Azeil tracked, was messily parked on the side of a house. I scoffed.


The front door was slightly open, but It would be kinda dumb to walk straight through there. The leaves crunched under my shoes as I circled the house to find another entrance. A metal cream door at the back caught my attention.

I carefully twisted the knob and luckily, it was open. Cold air stabbed at my skin as I silently crept further into the house. This house is huge, maybe I should check the basement? I thought, my feet leading already going down the dark flight of stairs. Reaching the bottom, my hands ran across the wall in an attempt to locate a switch.

I squinted as my eyes adjusted to the bulb in the middle of the ceiling, my eyes scanning the fairly large room. A medium-sized bed was pushed to the corner of the room, a mini-fridge and a small table. My jaw dropped as I stared at the wall, where multiple pictures of Valentina decorated the wall.

Her going to and leaving work.

Her in the park.

Her having baths.

...And pictures of me and her fucking.

What kind of sick fuck is he?

"Hello, Giovanni."

I spun around slowly to see the man of the hour with a gun pointed at my chest. "Oliver, where the fuck is she?"

A menacing laugh bubbled from his throat, "She's safe with me, don't worry. You should worry about yourself. You're the only thing that's getting between her and me she, unfortunately, cares for you. And I honestly don't understand what she sees in you."

Due to my rushing, I didn't bring anything for protection. Roaming the room, I discreetly tried to look for something that could be used as such. "Listen, Oliver. I don't know what's wrong with you up here," I gestured to my head, "but you need to think this through."

His voice boomed across the walls, "I've already thought this through. Once she realizes how much I love her, she'll reciprocate my feelings. You're the only thing that's standing in the way of that is you. So you understand why I have to get rid of you, permanently."

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